Chapter 4: Chaos and Konoha

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The Sui clan boat was a large vessel of proportions Naruto hadn't even considered possible without steam engines to power them. He had almost missed it if not for the fact that it was bigger than any other boat he had seen in passing during the last month.

They were quickly headed back to the docks of the Fire Country and keeping out of sight proved far harder then it had when he had boarded the other boat. If not for his ability to sense chakra he was sure he would have been caught. Kurama made sure to warn him when someone drew to close as well which helped significantly when someone managed to camouflage their presence with that of the surrounding natural chakra. 

But it was stressful and made him gnash his teeth together to keep from cursing every time someone drew nearer to the sides of the boat where he clung with all that he had. 

When they reached land he had scrambled quickly in to one of the cargo boxes that held thousands of scrolls. Naruto was dumbfounded when he wasn't caught, injured or otherwise when he found the scrolls. Did they not seal these boxes so that no one tried to steal them? Or are people really that fickle to believe that no one would try?

Naruto shook himself and buried himself underneath the paper's. He curled up and listened silently to Kurama as he began to explain another complicated theory behind sealing. The fox had began to teach Naruto all that he could only to find that the boy had a knack for asking to many questions that were far more complex than any child his age should ask. But Kurama had kept his tongue to himself, the possibility of the child having grown to quickly mentally because of the villagers was high after all. And he didn't want to know what the villagers had done to Naruto. Kurama mentally scoffed at himself, he wanted to know alright, but he wasn't sure he'd like any of the things that Naruto had had to endure because of him.

Kurama? Naruto's voice filtered through their mental link and the kūybi shook himself out of his own thoughts.

Yes,Kit? The fox grumbled.

Just making sure you're awake. Naruto said playfully. The elder had suddenly gone silent and it has made the boy worried. The fox scoffed.

I do not sleep. Kurma had the sudden urge to pout at the boy for he was sure that he was being teased. Naruto snickered silently, curling tighter in to himself as the carriage began to move. He was sure that this was somehow about to go horribly wrong. Where he had gotten this assumption from he didn't know. It had him on edge and made him wish he could see outside of the crater so that he could observe their surroundings. So that he could know what was making him so restless.

It could be Kurama's silence but he was relatively sure that the fox was worrying needlessly over something else. But he really didn't want to test his own luck. Even in his old world, danger was something that just seemed to follow him where ever he went.

There was a heavy cloud of tension that hung over everyone there, his restlessness can be because of them....he mused. Shifting slightly to relax his body. It was better if his body was relaxed in stead of tensed so that he could move at a moment's notice.

Kurama picked up the lessons a few minutes later and Naruto lost track of everything else as he focused on the Nine tails. Wondering if he could mix runes with kanji. It sounded like he could but he was as new to these seals as he was to this world. Anything therefore was possible in his mind at least. Naruto prays that he doesn't accidentally blow anything up in the process of experimentation. He likes every one of his limbs. Speaking of!

Hey! I can transform in to a kitsune, do you perchance have anything to do with that? Naruto asked interrupting Kurama's ramblings.

WHAT!? The fox shouted, Naruto winced and shook his head. Pain lancing through him and making his head spin.  That hasn't happened before. Kurama mused voice still shocked. At least not to my jinchūriki. But it has happened to my siblings jinchūriki numerous times before. Usually to those who are....sorry but I will not speak of that until you are old enough to understand. Kurama says suddenly embarrassed. Naruto blinked, brows furrowing in confusion. Why would he be embarrassed?

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