Chapter 7: Animarum Requies Part 1

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Authors Note: Fair warning, from here on
out there will be more time lapses.

From The Willow


What Belongs To You, but
Others Often use it more than you ever do?



He jerked upwards in bed, eyes wide. Naruto glanced quickly at his side and blanched.

04:53, the alarm clock read. Who the hell is awake at such a hellish hour of the morning?!?

"Naruto!" A familiar voice shouted. Jii-san? He got up clumsily and walked slowly towards the front door, forgoing the bandages once more. Naruto's right eye wasn't as bad as it had been three weeks ago thanks to Kakashi who had given him a salve that had healed Naruto's right eye better than he thought it would be. It wasn't so scarred anymore but he was still blind and would likely be blind in that eye forever.

"Jii-san?" He called out softly in confusion.

"May I come in Naruto? I have a list of houses that you could buy and move into if you so wished. " The man's old voice carried gently like the leaves that surrounded the village through his apartment door and rooms, soothing something like the panic that had built up steadily after waking so abruptly.

Naruto unlocked the door and took a step back in shock when met with the sight of an ANBU with a crow mask standing behind his jii-san's left shoulder.

Out in the open where everyone could see them.

He focused more intensely on the chakra around him and frowned, why hadn't he done so to check who was at his door in the first place? Had he really become so complacent that he would completely forget to even check with his sensory vision?

The Hokage smiled softly at him, "Do not worry, Naruto, Crow-sama was asked by the Hound to be your shadow after he left last week. Now, shall you invite us inside?" Right, Kakashi had left a week after they met on a long mission.

Naruto blinked and nodded sluggishly, stepping aside to make way for the Hokage and the Crow ANBU, now that he was focusing more on the chakra signals again he could feel several others surrounding his rooms that hadn't been there before, at least he thought they hadn't been there before.

Once the door was closed he joined his jii at the coffee table in his living room, the man was steadily packing out piles of papers from a scroll that kept on unsealing several more until the piles came to a stop By then Naruto's eyes had gone impossibly wide with surprise because he hadn't thought that there would be quite so many houses out there in the forest up for sale.

The Hokage pushed three piles to Naruto with a grin while he took the others and placed them back in the scroll. He gave the man a confused frown before beginning to leaf through the files on houses.

There were many, even though the piles have been divided.

" I had brought this for you as well, it's a scroll with many a book that academy students, both civilian and not, must know. Once you have finished one book, the seal on it will automatically give you the next. However," jii-san was smiling rather widely, his eyes twinkling.

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