I'll find you ya little shit!

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That morning Tony Stark was greeted with an unusually open window that non of his staff or Pepper remembered opening. He shrugged thinking maybe perhaps he had opened it and simply forgot, it was possible. To be on the safe side however he asked Jarvis to run the video footage from last night. When that failed, Tash's handy work, Tony became suspicious and searched the room himself. He found his golden watch missing along with the diamond ear rings he had planned to give Pepper for her birthday.

He stormed down to the kitchen in a rage. "Damn it!!" He shouted "Tony what's wrong?" Pepper tried to calm him down. "We've been robbed that's what wrong Pep!" "What?" She gasped walking over to him. "Ya! I'm gonna find the punk that did this and make em pay" Tony growled making his way towards the lab. "Tony maybe you should try calling the police first?" Pepper suggested sarcastically. "Oh ya ok right good idea" Tony muttered to himself dialing the number.

The next thing the billionaire knew his story was all over the news. The great Tony Stark robbed by a simple cat burglar all the head lines screeched in his face. "Somebody kill me" Tony mumbled to himself "I wasn't expecting to do a press conference today but I guess I have no choice". He took a dee breathe and moved into the spotlight he turned to the multitude of cameras and mics and began to speak. "First off is like to point out how STUPID it is that all of you care so much that I got robbed. Secondly, robber, whoever you are, mark my words I'm gonna find you and I'm gonna make you pay". The whole room stood watching him with baited breathe.

"Thank you and goodnight" he ended throwing his hands up into the air. The reporters all swarmed him with a multitude of questions as he walked away. Pepper was waiting for him with an annoyed face "hello Ms. Potts" he smiled offering her his arm. She grinned despite herself and took his arm. "So are you actually gonna look for this perp?" She whispered to him as they walked to the car. "Ummm maybe just another look around the crime seen for the heck of it, see if there's anything the police missed" he teased winking at her.

Stark's daughter the robberWhere stories live. Discover now