What are you Crazy?

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As Tash got in the car Tony suddenly realized she had nothing with her except the clothes she was wearing. "Do you have any belongings? We could go get them". Tash didn't even stop she got in the car "Do I look like I'd have any belongings? Dad" she said dad sarcastically making sure he knew she didn't mean it. Then she slammed the door turned away and crossed her arms. Tony silently went around to the other side and got into the drivers seat.

While they were driving a call came through on the cars speaker. "Sir Ms Potts is calling you" Jarvis announced "put her through" he smirked seeing Tash's shocked face at hearing the AI. "Hey Pep what's up?" "Just wanted to see how things were going with Tash" "I've got her she's in the car right next to me, say hi Tash". Tash stayed silent "ok then" "it's fine Tony I bet she's not in a talking mood". At this Tash turned her face to the window and scowled even more "we'll be home in 30" "ok see you then" the call cut off.

"So I know you're probably not in a good mood right now but I just want to let you know that I've scheduled a press conference-" "what?!" Tash cut him off. "It's no big deal, it's in a few days fo just clear up the whole robbery thing and announce you're my daughter". "wait hold up so this whole thing is just to fix your reputation? YOU RUINED MY WHOLE LIFE SO YOU WOULDN'T BE MADE FUN OF?!?!" Tash yelled. "YOU SELFISH ASSHOLE!!!" "Tash calm down" Tony tried to reason "I'm not staying here". Before Tony realized what was happening Tash opened the car door and jumped out.

Tony screeched to a stop causing all the cars behind him to swerve. Everyone began to get out and look at what was happening. Tony ran over to Tash and checked her purse. She was still breathing but was badly bruised and had a nasty gash on her head. Somebody called 911 so the ambulance arrived after a few minutes. They put Tash on a stretcher and brought her into the vehicle as doctors swarmed her Tony slipped in as well. This was his fault and he was going to make sure she turned out alright.

Stark's daughter the robberWhere stories live. Discover now