(A/N) : 1000 Readers?! Reasons for updating late...

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Hey Kittens! Opera Ghost here! I wanted to say that, the next chapter is being written! I will say that the very last chapter will have the happy happy joy joy fairy tale happy ever after Disney ending. Although, like Disney, the real story is disturbing... HA! Don't get me wrong! I love Disney... BUT HAVE YOU SEEN THE REAL STORY?! Damn. Send me a message, tweet or comment telling me which fairy tale is your favourite! Or tell me your favourite prince and I may consider making a story with him! Also... I'd like to thank each and every one of you for reading my stories, and taking the time to vote for them all... When I reached 1,000 readers I was speechless. You guys keep me up on my feet and I don't know what I'd do without you all... You're just such awesome readers! Thank you for voting for my story, and being so patient for my updates!
But... I think it's about time you all know why I don't update sinner than I say... I don't mean to sound like I want attention. I really don't... But you all are so patient I decided I'd let you in on it. Lately, I've been struggling in my classes due to me lacking focus. I'm lacking focus because people in my school keep talking about me behind my back, because I play video games, and I'm well... Emo. I have very few friends, and I'm slowly losing them. I got into a fight with one recently. She tells me she wants to just be alone, yet I see her at school talking to a bunch people.... She's completely cancelling me out. Another, is I'm lacking sleep... So many things flood through my mind. Sometimes I feel the only friends I have left(not including family) are you guys, and my friend Natasha. She accepts me for me... And I hope you all will too... Anyways... Thanks for listening to me whine and mourn... And again... Thank YOU for supporting my story. :) Opera Ghost out!

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