Chapter 4: Kalin, My Old Boss

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Kalin and Akiza walked into the main ballroom and, out of the four other ballrooms, which hasn’t looked used in years, this ballroom had a ceiling of glittering jewels of all shapes, types, colors, and sizes. Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, pearls, and many more. Most of the stained glass windows had jewels carved into little objects like soldiers fighting in war, great castles, and mostly, great, towering red and blue roses, always intertwining with each other.

There was one window that struck Akiza. A man and a woman with their eyes covered, holding each other and kissing each other under a shower of red and blue rose petals.  This is amazing. The rose petals are colored my favorite colors, red, which is my favorite color, and blue, which is Kalin’s favorite color.  Akiza thought.

“ Kalin?” Akiza began, “ Why does this window have the faces covered?” Kalin didn't say anything at first, but then he answered. “Well, the faces are covered so that anyone can imagine who the people are,” Kalin started. This is a magic window. Whoever you imagine will pop up for everyone to see, as long as you keep imagining that couple, it will be visible.” Akiza, rerunning Kalin's words in her head, she imagined who would fill the blanks of the window. She closed her eyes, wondering if Yusei was alright, and when she opened her eyes, to her surprise, Akiza saw Yusei and herself in the window.

 She closed her eyes, wondering if Yusei was alright, and when she opened her eyes, to her surprise, Akiza saw Yusei and herself in the window

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Kalin stared at the stained glass as he marveled the work. “Ahh! The work that literally brings people together.” Kalin said with a smile. Akiza knew Kalin was stalling her question. Akiza was growing impatient and practically burst the question out. “ DID YOU POISON YUSEI?!?!” Akiza yelled at the top of her lungs. Kalin still stared at the window, but with a very solemn face. This is not the Kalin I remember. Akiza walked up to him, unsure why he was so quiet.

“Kalin??” Akiza asked faintly. Swiftly, Kalin grabbed Akiza and covered her mouth. He… is pressing…..too… Akia fainted while Kalin dragged her to the car and, not in time for Yugi and the others catch up and stop Kalin, drove away into the woods. " Hey  coward, come back here!!" Jaden screamed after the car as the limo is now left empty and abanded. But the car did not yield to his screams. Geana tried to run after the car, but she kept tripping over rocks and kept getting up until the taillights on the car were out of view. "No. No, no, no, not my big sister. No, no, NO!!!" Genea screamed and cried for her sister. No one knew what to do.  What they did notice was a small green vial on the ground labeled “Cure” and knew that that is the very thing that will save one life, but now they need to find out a way to save another.

                                                                     The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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