Search Party

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Hololive HQ 10:00 am

The members had gathered at the right time for the meeting. It's an emergency meeting so they can't do much about it and must join no matter what. Meaning they will have to delay a few collaborations and stuff. A-Chan decided before, to form a search party to look for the missing members.

A-Chan: Alright everyone, you're all gathered here to be forming a search party to find Sora, Haato, Aqua, Miko, and the HoloGamers.

Lamy: A search party? Alright then, as long as I have alcohol in my side I'm ready.

Subaru: oii! I have a collab today with Shion. What do I do?

Shion: Yes, that's true

A-Chan: I'm afraid you all should delay your collab until we found the missing members. Who knows what bad stuff can happen to them.

Kanata: I guess you should make an announcement about it, we don't want the viewers to be confused.

A-Chan: Yes, the staff will make an announcement about it. But anyway, I'm going to start telling the search party teams. Some of you guys will also be accompanied by Gen 0

Matsuri: Gen 0? Nicee!

A-Chan: The first-gen will be accompanied by Roboco-san, you guys will be checking the local police stations to ask them if any incident happens that has a connection to the mall, Remember to keep your guards up.

Roboco: Me? Alright then

Matsuri: Niceee!

Pekora: Are you making a JoJo reference peko?

Matsuri: maybe?

A-Chan: okay okay. Gen 2, you guys will search through buildings to find suspicious people that might have targeted Haato. The word save Haato is just a bit suspicious. Plus you guys have a police officer with you guys.

Subaru: That's Mee!

A-Chan: okay, for the gen 3, you guys will check the houses of the missing members for clues, I'll give Noel the key later.

Pekora: Noel?? I should get the key instead peko!

Noel: Alright, I'll guard the keys.

A-Chan: okay, next is gen 4, you guys will be accompanied by Sui-chan, you guys will be investigating the HoloMalls and ask some of the people there about the missing members.

Suisei: Got it

A-Chan: Last will be the gen 5... Azki is going to join you guys, and the task is to keep in touch with the other members and check on some restaurants that the missing members love to visit, there might be someone that does weird meetings there that might involve this case.

Lamy: Can I bring my alcohol?

A-Chan: As long as it doesn't make you drunk then it's fine. Anyway. You guys will start searching now, remember to inform me when you guys found something. Meeting end, now go search for them.

The search begins, each member from different gens group up to do their task. The 4th gen HoloForce decides to quickly visit HoloMall for clues, the other members do the same and they have one thought. "The faster we find them, the faster we get to do our normal activities." Each group decides to pick their methods. Some will travel by their vehicles and some might start with walking. Although the most important thing is... They have to keep their guard up.

HoloMall 11.30 am

The HoloForce visited the mall and they look around them. The mall was pretty normal, nothing strange is happening ever since the incident. No suspicious people currently, everything seems to work normally. No one even knows about the missing members.

Towa: Alright, so they said that Sora, the HoloGamers, and Haato is somewhere here before. Sui-chan, you also said something about Sora being in the HoloCafe right?

Suisei: Ah yes, I saw Sora from the glass yesterday

Towa: Alright then, we're gonna get in, now... Who's hungry?

Kanata: Aww that's sweet of you Towa asking us if we're hungry or not. I knew you're an angel all along!

Towa: Oi!! Shut up, I'm debiru! This is just uhh, what's that word? An illusion! Yes

Suisei: You meant deception?

Towa: Yes!! Deception!

Luna: Maybe we should start searching nanora.

Watame: Watame is hungry, let's go!

The 4th gen and Suisei get inside HoloCafe, they don't wanna draw too much, so they started by ordering a few drinks. Watame would order more than a drink since she haven't eaten breakfast yet. After some time, Suisei starts the investigation. She asked one of the staff if they saw Sora and the others or not. She got a reply saying "Yes, they ordered some food here and also drinks. Then I think they went shopping in the Electronic Store" Suisei then decides to sit back and inform the other members.

Suisei: Okay, they went shopping at the Electronic store yesterday. I suggest we split up and ask some more people here so we can investigate multiple places at once. Then we're gonna meet somewhere else. Just keep your communications online.

Luna: Good idea, but what's our tasks nanora?

Watame: I'm really full, can I stay here instead?

Towa: Obviously not! We got friends to search for!

Kanata: Towa Maji Tenshi!

Towa: Shuushh!!

Suisei: Okay, Watame and Kanata, you guys will be checking the electronic store, then inform us on what the staff saw, maybe they saw Sora and the others visiting certain places. Then I'll decide the rest. Me, Towa, and Luna will wait outside while you ask.

Luna: Sounds like a plan nanora

Watame and Kanata follow Suisei's instructions, after eating and paying for the meals. Watame and Kanata quickly walk out and immediately go to the nearest escalator to visit the Electronic store, Suisei and the other members tag along shortly. After some time... They got information about Sora and the others visiting KFP.

They quickly ran to KFP and ask the staff members whether they saw Sora and the others or not, and they informed Suisei that Sora visited a Fried Squid Stand. All the pieces of information are gathered, the search in the mall will begin very soon. While the other search parties will do the same in different places.

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