chapter two: just friends

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AS LILY EVANS was a prefect, along with Remus, the two were forced from their friends to go to ridiculous meeting with other prefects.

The redhead was forced to wake when Remus knocked on their compartment door. He poked his blonde head through the window. For a second, he awkwardly stood with his hands resting in his pockets.

"Need something?" Marlene asked. She sounded ready for an argument.

However, Remus did not need to deal with another dramatic friend at the moment; he already had one Sirius Black. "Uh, I need to borrow Evans. Prefect meeting."

That was exactly when Mira noticed how Lily was curled around her. Somehow while they were asleep, the two girls switched places. They slept piled on to each other as Lily's head on Mira's shoulder.

"Evans?" Remus said, calmly. He tapped her shoulder like the girl was fragile and she'd break at any moment.

"Remus?" She rubbed her eyes awake. Lily glanced to her left where Mira still remained, and gave her the briefest of apologies, then asked Remus why he was in their compartment.

"Prefect meeting," He reminding her of the meeting they were going to be late to. He lowered himself closer to where she sat, and showed her the watch on his wrist.

The redhead instantly shot up, and straightened out the winkles in her clothes."Merlin, I can't believe I slept that long!" She turned to Remus, her eyes nearly popped out of her head with worry."I look presentable, right? I want to make a good first impression."

Remus nodded his head a hurried yes, and rushed her out of the room. As Lily closed the door, Mira could hear the redhead ask Remus how his summer was. Though, she didn't hear his response. The rest of the train ride was eerily quiet.

Without Remus, the marauders, mostly Sirius, were oddly quiet too. Their compartments were close together. That, paired with thin walls did not work well together. So when the boys laughed loudly or planned their stupid pranks, the girls were always able to hear them.

With Lily gone too, Marlene was like a kid that got their candy taken away from them. She pouted and longingly stared out the window. Mira was sure Sirius was currently doing now.

Almost on cue, Sirius barged into the compartment, being as loud as possible. He sank into the seat beside Marlene, his lower lip hanging low.

"He's abandoned me. I've already been forgotten—traded, for Evans!" He cried out, dramatically flopping into Marlene's lap.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒, 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 || lily evansWhere stories live. Discover now