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Persephone Jackson is the eldest demigod of the big three. Her story is like no other's. Persephone was born to Sally Jackson and Poseidon however Poseidon being a god could never be around his only daughter.

Persephone, or Percy as she liked to be called, lived a life with her mother and a man that would never be called a father to anyone. Sally and Percy were abused by this man not the Sally knew anything about Percy's abuse.

When Percy found out her heritage she had to go on quest after quest and soon the second titian war happened. Percy then went to the Roman camp, fell into Tartarus, and fought against Gaea. The rest of the seven dying in the process. 

The thing about this world that is different from all others is that they have soul marks. The soul marks are basically a tattoo representing your soul mate or in rare cases soul mates. The soul marks, as they are called, itch when one is near the soul mate. 

Percy is one of the rare cases when one person has two soul marks.

James Barnes, or Bucky, and Steve Rogers have been best friends for as long as they remember. They have had hard times and made it through. Bucky used to be known as the winter soldier, a brainwash husk of a man. Steve helped and soon the old Bucky was back. 

Tony was very angry at first but everyone soon calmed down and after arguing and talking they finally came to an agreement. Everyone now lives in Avenger's towers with their mate all except Bucky and Steve. Recently Tony and Natasha found out that the best friends share a mate yet they were not mates.

So now the whole team knows that Bucky and Steve don't have their mate.

Bucky and Steve don't mind though, they think that because of how long they have been alive their mate is now dead. Percy thinks that because of how much destruction is in her life her soulmates don't actually exist.  

How wrong they all are.


This is a story with my own plot line but with another's idea. I have gotten permission from the author of the original book to write this. The story is called Our little Warrior by hereforfunnohate

so go check it out!

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