Chapter 11

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Percy stood there in shock for at least thirty minutes, of course only her luck would do this to her. Why her? She didn't know, the fates always hated her and now she is the fates as one. This shouldn't be possible, that would be to much power in one being.

However it is to late now, there is nothing Percy could do, nothing anyone could do. The fates already left Earth to join Chaos and Order. Percy finally allows her emotions show to one of the only gods who care about her now.

Percy collapses to her knees and starts bawling her eyes out. Hades was never really good with emotions and doesn't know what to do.

Thankfully Persephone and Demeter are staying at Hades' castle and chose to walk in at that moment.

Demeter rushes over to Percy as the poor demigoddess, well now goddess, cried a river of tears and tries to comfort her. 

"What's wrong Percy?" Demeter asks as if talking to a scared child, but at this point the poor girl could be considered a child.

Hades can tell that Percy can not speak at the moment so he answers his wife's mother's question,. "The fates payed her a visit, and they are now gone," Hades says with his head hanging.

"The fates! Gone, they can't leave us without... Oh no," Persephone trails off as she realizes what just happened and why the toughest demigoddess, well demigods in general, is weeping from sorrow.

Demeter caught along with her daughter's and starts," I'm so sorry. Percy, none of us wanted this."

"Obviously someone wanted to mess up my life again," Percy sobs in despair, of course whenever her life turns out better something comes to mess it up to the point she almost breaks. Of course she never gets that far but it still hurts knowing that something out there's only reason to live seems to be to mess with Percy.

After what seems to be an eternity of Percy crying into Demeter's shoulder with Persephone trying to help calm her and Hades looking exceedingly awkward. Seriously, Hades is standing in the corner, arms crossed, his eyes flicking every which way with an uncomfortable grimace on his face. Finally Percy seems to calm down enough, Hades sighs happily, thankful he doesn't need to try to be affectionate and comforting. Hades could never, his aura would but anything he would try off.

Percy stands up," I'm sorry Demeter."

"It is no problem Percy," Demeter says with a small smile. Demeter missed being mothering towards someone so young, Persephone wouldn't let her do that anymore.

Persephone clears her throat and brings up a subject Percy wasn't ready for," Percy will need to go back to Stark Tower soon. She's been here to long, the mist can't keep hiding the fact Percy isn't there for much longer. She has to go back, I'm sorry Percy."

Percy nods her head in understanding and does something unexpected, she hugs Demeter, Persephone and Hades. Demeter and Persephone treasure the hug, hugging tightly back and whispering promises that they will visit her soon, along with some of the other gods and goddesses. Hades, however, stands there more awkwardly than he is ever gonna admit. Hades was never fond of touch and froze as soon as he felt the thin arms of Percy wrap around his waist as she hugs him. It takes Hades a hot second to respond but when he does he hugs her tightly not wanting to let go of his niece whom has too many problems to count. He wants to shield her from the ever changing world and this is when he realizes he sees Percy as his own daughter.

Percy lets go of her uncle and wipes away a few tears that made themselves known," I'm ready to go back now. Can one of you help me?"

Hades, Persephone, and Demeter note the brokenness in Percy's voice but Hades decides to help," Of course, I'll send you to Stark Towers now."

In a flash of bright golden light Percy disappears and is transported to Stark Towers. Hades looks from Persephone to Demeter and they all mentally make a promise that they will talk to the council soon and protect Percy no matter what.

What the gods and goddesses didn't know is that the Avengers in Stark towers were immune to the mist and have been freaking out on where their friends' soulmate went to for the past hour.

Percy was transported to her shared bedroom with her mates, she runs to the bathroom and finds her shaving razor.

Warning! Self harm and blood! Don't Read if not comfortable!

Percy grips it tightly in her right hand as she slams the bathroom door shut, locking it tightly at the same time with her left.

The bang sounds throughout the floor, making its way to the avengers ears. Everyone's eyes flash over to Bucky and Steve. Pietro races to find the noice and comes back to let everyone it was the bathroom in Bucky and Steve's room.

Everyone races to the room. Percy knows that this is happening but decides to continue with her plan. 

Percy sits on the cold bathroom floor and before she can talk herself out of it she draws her razor across her wrist makes four uneven slits as her pressure wanes and waxes. Percy watches as the golden blood flows out of her cuts as she starts sobbing again.

She can't believe it's real, she was now a goddess and there is nothing she can do.

Safe except blood!

Steve, Bucky and the Avengers burst into Bucky's and Steve's room and rush to the bathroom door. They all hear the sobbing of the poor girl, Bucky and Steve start banging on the door as Wanda tries to read Percy's mind but gets blocked out.

"Open up!" Steve yells at the door.

Percy yells back," No! Go away!"

"Please!" Bucky shouts back.

The avengers hear the sobbing increase as Percy yells back," Go away! Please..." Percy whispers just loud enough for the super soldiers to hear.

"Percy last chance! Please open up, we need to make sure you're okay!" Wanda pleads, hoping to convince her friend.

"N-no." Percy says, the brokenness in her voice evident to everyone present.

That was the last straw for Tony, he knew that voice, it was his voice when he had depression. The only person who ever heard it was Pepper and that was when she found him half dead.

Tony may not like Percy but he isn't gonna stand here. He calls his repulser, almost within seconds it's on his hand.

"Stand away from the door!" Tony calls and waits a few second as he hears shuffling away from the door. When the shuffling stops he shoots. The door explodes into pieces and they see the golden blood from the new goddess of Fate.

"W-what?" Wanda exclaims as her eyes widen in horror at the sight of the golden blood gushing out of her friend's arm.

Bruce starts to turn green, Tony looks about ready to pass out, Bucky, Steve, Wanda, Peter, and Pietro looks about ready to cry at the gruesome sight.

After a few seconds Bruce goes full doctor mood and starts yelling orders to everyone and everyone follows knowing not to mess with him when he is like this. Percy doesn't have enough energy to do anything so when Steve picks her up to take her to the medbay she doesn't fight.


Sorry for the long wait, thank you for all the views and likes. I'm hoping to update on my birthday in two Mondays, but seeing as my birthday's always suck I wouldn't think much on it. Also I have a new update on my hectic life, me and my significant other have been together for over a month! It'll be two months in 20 days! I'm sooo excited. They are my life and my reason for still writing so say thanks to them! I love y'all so much and can't wait for the next chapter!

Hopefully soon,


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