Pink Hair

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"What color do you want?" Mumbled a voice. 

"I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that." Said a sweet voice.

"Sister, I think she would understand you better if you didn't mumble so much." Laughed a male's voice.

"Right" Said the voice, "Zoe what color would you like?"

"Hot pink!" Smiled Zoe, "Thank you so much again Juleka!"

"Pink is a cute choice!" Squealed a squeaky voice.

Zoe closed her eyes as she Let Juleka do her hair. She felt another pair of hands help out, it was Rose. After a while it was done.

"Oh my, it suits you very well." Said Juleka and Rose at the same time.

Zoe looked in the mirror and grinned, her eyes started to mist up. She finally felt free.

"Zoe are you alright? I can see tears in your eyes." Said the male voice.

"Don't worry Luka, I... just feel very happy and free. I find the feeling of finally being free unbelievable." Zoe sniffled, she did a small laugh.

"You don't need to worry anymore now. You are safe here with us." Smirked Luka.

Zoe smiled. She hugged Juleka and Rose and waved goodbye to Luka. She left feeling happier than ever before. She walked home not knowing what was going to happen next...


Hey guys, I apologize for the short chapter. In the future I plan on making them longer. So don't worry too much. I am making this fanfiction as realistic as possible. 

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