I still want you

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🖤Bruh 😐... it's been a while hasn't it? Don't worry though guys, i'll be updating more now, I promise! Enjoy!💛 

"Hey Zoe, why aren't you and Luka seeing each other?" Asked Marinette, she had a concerned look on her face.

Zoe nearly burst into tears, she pretended to notice something to avoid eye contact with Marinette.

"It's nothing Marinette, we have gotten a little to busy..." Zoe lied, her voice nearly cracked. She turned around and busied herself by drawing on her shoes.

Marinette felt like something was going on but she didn't push Zoe into telling her.

"Alright but please don't hesitate to ever talk to me Zoe." Marinette left Zoe's room.

Zoe started to weep.

She cried and cried the tears hot against her skin. She stopped crying until no more tears were left.

I miss you... I shouldn't have sided with her... I love you...

Zoe's thoughts swam in her head each one hurting more then the other. She stared at her phone, pictures of Luka in it. Her eyes welled up when she one picture of her and Luka cuddling, it was the only one she ever had of herself and Luka together, it made Zoe more sad.

"I don't know what to do anymore." Zoe's voice cracked as she spoke to herself.

Flashback *

"YOU!" Shouted Luka, he stared to stomp towards Chloe

"NO!" Zoe grabbed Luka's arm, but he shook her arm off.

"WAIT!" shouted Zoe, she couldn't reach Luka—

Luka put his face close to Chloe's. He growled.

"STOP. ACTING. LIKE. THIS." He slowly said, his eyes wide open.

Chloe just laughed at his face.

"And what are you gonna do about it? Awwww I'll behave! Here, I'll give you this!" Chloe spat her gum on his face.

She laughed loud, and hard.

Zoe gasped.

Luka's hands were clenched, shaking, he turned around sharply and glared at Zoe.

*end of flashback*

Zoe sighed as she remembered, she fell on her bed and slowly fell asleep. During her sleep Zoe dreamed of Chloe bullying everyone she loved and that Zoe couldn't do anything about it, Zoe huffed, she tried to speak but couldn't. She wanted to talk to Chloe.

Finally she grabbed Chloe's shoulder, Chloe turned around, Zoe gasped it wasn't Chloe's face, it was her own face.

Zoe woke up gasping for breath. She looked out her window, it was still dark. Zoe sighed.

"What a terrible dream!" She grumbled.

Zoe felt sick, she wanted to throw up. Zoe felt like running away, away from her home. Away from... her sister.

Zoe got up and dressed into dull clothing, she hid her streak of pink hair with a dark blue beanie. Zoe snuck out, she started walking.

I... have nowhere to go Zoe thought, she took out her phone looking for a nearby cafe open 24 hours. She found one, it was nearby, she walked there.

When Zoe got in she was surprised by the amount of people in the cafe, it was packed. After waiting for a while Zoe ordered her cup of hot chocolate, she walked to the exit.

Zoe almost bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry..." Zoe's voice trailed off as she saw the person's face.

She felt her stomach drop.

"I- Uhm.." Zoe mumbled. She blushed and stared at her shoes, not daring to look at Luka.

Zoe felt hands grab her face aggressively, she nearly dropped her hot chocolate, and then she felt being pulled towards him.

He kissed her, hard and quickly, Zoe squirmed, it was unexpected...

Zoe gasped, she stared at him.

Luka's face showed no signs of emotion. Not anger, sadness, happiness... there was... nothing.

Luka started to leave, he turned around and walked away.

"W-" Zoe hesitated. She wanted to talk to him but she was too scared to. Luka was almost out of view...

Go! Go you idiot! A voice in her. Zoe clenched her sweating palms.

"Luka! W-Wait!" Zoe stumbled, she started to run.

Zoe ended up losing him in a crowd, she slowed down searching for him among the crowd, when she couldn't find him Zoe felt tears rising to her eyes. She let out a small sob.

Zoe went back home feeling empty. She dumped her coffee as she walked.

She went into her room and found Chloe sitting on her bed, arms crossed with a grin on her face.

"I'm glad that you are behaving." Chloe smiled, it was a plastic one.

"Sister-" Zoe started.

"Enough!" Huffed Chloe, she snapped her fingers to silence Zoe.

"I want you to do me a favor." Chloe said.

"..." Zoe was silent.

It seems like she doesn't want me talking, it seems like I should just wait until she stops... I don't like it though.

"Get back with your 'boyfriend' make him fall in love with you even harder than he ever did before. And after that... break his heart, crush it to little pieces, stomp on them and burn them until there is nothing left." Chloe laughed.

No... That is wrong... that is horrible. I can't ever do that! I'll do anything but that! Zoe screamed in her head, she tried to speak but couldn't.

"Now.. Do you agree with me?" Asked Chloe.

Zoe clenched her fist, she felt deeply upset.

"No," She said.

"Excuse me!?" Growled Chloe.

"I will not, I still love Luka and he still loves me. Unlike you Chloe I don't hurt those I love. Do you even know what it's like to be heartbroken?" Zoe felt her voice crack and tears spill but she didn't care, "Chloe we are sisters and I love you. I give you more love than mom could ever give you, more than Andre can... because the love they are giving you right now... is the kind you don't need or want."

Zoe sniffled, she turned away not wanting Chloe to look at her.

"While you are lying to yourself... telling yourself that you want their love... trust me, deep down inside you don't actually want it, stop lying to yourself. You have grown jealous of me because I have the love you actually want and need." Zoe Started to walk away.

"S-stop that nonsense... that's not true! You know nothing of what I want!" Chloe bellowed over her.

"As I said, stop lying to yourself." Zoe said, she finally glanced at Chloe, she saw a hint of hurt in her half-sisters eyes. "Take care Chloe, I am going to go look for someone."

Zoe left, Chloe still in Zoe's room.

Zoe ran out of her house again, she took out her phone and called someone.

"Luka... I want to talk to you." Zoe said.

No one responded at first but then he said something.

"Bridge" He said, and then the call ended.

Zoe immediately knew what he was talking about, she smiled and started to run. 

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