Chapter 2

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As the police pushed past me to talk to Mrs.Meyers. All i could then think was, "What if they put me in jail for something I never did?" Besides that my mind was blank. Words could not explain how scared I was. Suddenly I fell hard and everything went black........................ It seemed like minutes when I woke. I had no idea where I was. I looked around and saw my family breating down my shirt. I was scared and confused. What had just happened? About 5 minutes later a doctor by the name of Simon Bexlaham came into the room. Finally I had a idea of where I was. I must have blacked out. The school probably called the ambulence to come get me, and take me to the hospital. As Dr.Bexlaham talked to me he said that i was blacked out for 2 days.That seemed impossible, it seemed like only minutes. That kind of freaked me out. But as Dr.Bexlaham got more into as what happened. He told me that I got so nervous and scared that i fainted or blacked out. After that some people came in asking me some wired questions like "What my favorite color was" and "how old I was" stuff like that. After the nurses came in and told me the people were asking me all those questions, cause after blacking out some people could forget some pretty easy stuff. The nurses said that I luckly did not forget much. About a hour later some other people that I did not recognize came in. They explained to me that they were there to help me learn to walk, crawl, ect. I thought that sounded sill but turns out I had forgot how to do that stuff. Dr.Bexlaham came in during my session to tell me that i would have to stay at the hospital for about a week to recover. I was kinda bummed about it, but i was also happy cause then no one could make fun of me at school. Finally after all my appointments were done for the day, I got to just rest. But as soon as I started to rest, my only bestfriend came in. We new each other since day 1 which is 1st grade. His name is Ethan. He came in and sat next to me. He said he started crying when he herd that I got hurt. We were talking for hours. We finally took a look at the clock and saw that it was 12 at night. he came and laid next to me. We both fell asleep.

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