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the next morning Belle approached the château where the others were testing out the drone, she yawned approaching JJ and Pope who were looking at the monitor of the drone.

"it works?" Belle asked standing behind Pope watching John B and Kiara on the monitor.

"perfectly well." Pope responded.

"you're up early," JJ turned to her.

"i have the clean the house it's a mess plus Zale should be getting home in a few days." she explained resting her arm on his shoulder.

"God bless geeks, Pope. truly, man. what would we do without you to control the drones?" JJ nudged Pope leaning against the railing of the dock.

"it's not a drone. it's an ROV." Pope explained.

"isn't that the same thing?" Belle asked.

"shut up. shut up. it's too early for that right now." JJ interrupted.

"hey look, once we get footage of the wreck, we'll bring it to a lawyer in town and file a formal claim." John B explained once he came up from the water.

"dude it's such bullshit. why do we have to do that?" JJ asked turning to Belle and Pope.

"well, there is maritime salvage law. you can't just go to the ocean floor and scoop up a bunch of stuff up." Pope explained to JJ who didn't understand.

"i know. i know. it's just lawyers aren't cheap, bro."

"well as soon as they see the footage, they'll work for a comp." John B told his friends.

"how do you know all of that?" Belle rested her arms on the railing resting her chin on her hand.

"'cause my dad said it, like, a million times." John B said. 

"yeah, that's fair." Kiara added, Belle reached for the towel getting ready to hand it to her.

"this tether is, like, really long. in the wrong weather this thing could get pushed around." Pope added, Belle nodded looking up at the sky.

"then we'll go at dead calm." John B added.

"slack tide?" Kie asked.

"yup." Belle told her looking down at her.

"so now, we just gotta wait around for the right weather. and today is not that day." Pope looked up at the sky seeing the clouds get dark.

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