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"get down! no, wait! not yet!" the four hid in the grass looking at the house seeing Rose and Rafe inside talking as John B went straight to the house.

"hey, stop!"

"okay what do we do? what's the plan?" John B asked.

"well, he might have the gun, so, uh, what's in our favor? the element of surprise, that's what's in our favor right now." JJ says.

"what can we surprise him with?" John B asked.

Belle looked at her best friend, "you have balloons?"

"no." he slowly says furrowing his eyebrows.

"then no surprise. we gotta move fast." she says.

"he's got my cross." Pope whispered.

"i'm working on it!" JJ raised his voice trying to come up with something.

"come on."

"what if we threw something in front?" JJ suggested.

"threw what, where? in the tree?" John B argued with the blonde.

"oh my- can you two shut up? by the time you're done arguing he's already gonna be gone and- Pope!" Belle ran after Pope who was running after the truck and jumped on.

"what was that shit?" John B asked.

"Rafe's gone. now let's storm the fort." JJ says while Belle walked back to the boys seeing three people leaving the house.

"guys. that's Rose and Wheezie and Sarah?" Belle spotted her friend.

"dude, they got Sarah." JJ said.

"no, no, no. shit!" Belle panicked knowing she shouldn't have left her behind.

"what'd they do to her?" John B asked.

the three looked at each other running after the car slamming their hands on the windows calling Sarah's name making Rose drive faster making John B fall to the ground. JJ and Belle helped him up running off to the twinkie to following the car to wherever it was going.


morning quickly approached during the drive following Rose in the car, John B drove as fast as he could making sure he wouldn't lose Rose at all to get Sarah back.

"that's her! that's her! quarter mile on the left! quarter mile!" JJ tells John B who pulled aside as the twinkie started breaking down.

"we did it, ol' girl. we did it." John B whispers.

the three got out rolling a red truck hiding close to each other sneaking in through a gate running off into an area where nobody was able to see them at all.

perfect harmony • jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now