Chapter 3

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I was all wet and cold, still gazing at the umbrella with mixed emotions. Then all of a sudden, the rain stopped, no more drops of rain that I felt. A clear sky appears in the gloomy night sky. All of a sudden, the vision of the umbrella changes from a glorious sunny day, back to what I was on the first place, a storm. I as slowly came to get to my umbrella, I heard some rumbling in the bushes.

I noticed that there was someone watching me already, on the other side of the road. For a second, I can't move my damn body, it's either because of the cold rain, or is it from that person watching me. So what did I do? I took the umbrella and ran fast as I can. I ran so far away that I realized that I was already at my place. I looked back at the direction on where I ran, to check if the person was following me, and saw that it didn't follow suit.

So I finally made it home, exhausted, cold, and relieved. I went inside the apartment and went to my apartment room. I knocked on the door and to see that my mom opened it. She saw me all soaking wet. "Ella, why are you wet?" she asked in a worry "You have an umbrella with you? And speaking of umbrella, where did you get that?"

"Mom, you're not gonna believe what I this. Look what I have Mom!" I said out loud. "My dear Ella that is just an umbrella. Looks old but cool. Where did you even get this?" she asked. "I bought it at a weird store with Kyle just a while ago, when it was starting to rain hard outside." I explained.

"If you bought an umbrella, why on Earth are you all soggy and wet then?" she wondered. "Well mom, when I walked all the way over here, I, somehow, got struck by lightning near me. Then I stumbled down all wet by falling on a puddle and the rain." I explained even more. "But then, the umbrella, suddenly, has some magic powers. Like it literally glows and shows some images like a TV screen."

I then picked up and unsheathe the umbrella and showed it to her. "Huh, I swear I saw it a while ago. Maybe it needs to some magic words. Abra Cadabra!!" and it was still nothing. I even tried other magic words like Hocus Pocus, and that one magic word on one of the princess movies, and Nada, no magical umbrella, no powers, nothing.

"That's enough, I think you're just tired from getting soaked for long. Take a shower and go change clothes right now. And better make it quick cause dinner is getting cold." My mom commanded as I went to my room for a second and grabbed my towel and went straight to the bathroom for a quick shower. After my shower I went back to my room and changed into my clothes.

The two then went to the dining table where the food is already settled. The two of us were having a quiet dinner on a Sunday. Even though I'm eating my favorite, which is Salisbury Steak, I'm still feeling a little mixed up for today.

"So, aside from the umbrella, how is the rest of your day?" Mom asked. "It was really good to be honest, because I get to see Kyle again." I answered as I took another bite of my meal. "It's been forever since you last saw him right?" Mom wondered. "Six years to be exact." I answered. "So, how is Kyle?" she asked. "He honestly changed a little, but he's still that dork that I can mess with when we're kids." "It's good to see you in a different mood like this again." Mom said.

"Yeah, it's a little nice for a change, even dad seems like he missed seeing Kyle too." Everything was going well throughout dinner, even if it's the two of us, we're having our own moment. Even if it's a little sad without dad at the table, it felt like he didn't left at all. But the moment that I said that about dad, it made me realize that the next thing that mom says is going to make me worried. "I think it's best for us that we should move on a little about dad."

I suddenly stopped when I heard mom said that, I even nearly choked at my dinner. "What's that supposed to mean?" I wondered. "I mean that I wanted to move from him. I'm pretty sure you feel the same way too." she said. "I don't." I denied. "Why do you think that you don't want to move on from your dad?"

"Because I don't really want to mom, why are you suddenly acting like this?" I wondered. "I just... I just want to move on from him now on." she said. Since I'm not going to push her from asking more questions why she's acting like this. I just had to let it slide, because I'm not a type of person who wanted to ask my mom that why do I feel like I want to argue with her. Screw that I'll do it. I threw the plate down to the floor.

"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM, MOM!?" I asked suddenly furious. "WHY DO YOU WANT ME TO DO THAT, HUH, WHY!?" My mom was scared and shocked on why I suddenly acted like that, she was also speechless. And then, I went fast to my room, angry and red-faced, shutting the door loudly.

My mom is still stunned for a few minutes until she finally cleaned up the mess that I made. She cried until she was cleaning up, I felt when I did that, but I couldn't control my anger for some reason, maybe it's just part of growing up or just a teenager thing, even though I'm still sixteen, I'm still figuring this out whole life thing.

As I'm slowly calming myself down, I lied down on my bed staring at the ceiling, my room is a little bit cramped. Then afterwards, I just heard someone squeaking, just to realize that it was just my pet mouse, Mimi.

I gave a small wave to my mouse, before I looked back to the ceiling again, I noticed my umbrella was next to my bed. "Are you really magical or is it just my hallucination?" I eyes started to drift away because I'm getting really sleepy. I just stared at the ceiling until I fell asleep. Somewhere on the opposite side of our lawn, a mysterious person was watching us.


END OF CHAPTER 3                     

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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