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'We were a fresh page
on the desk,
filling in the blanks
as we go'

The Open House event goes by in three stages. For the first stage, the parents get to hear about what their kids have been doing in their normal class, and Skylar is very excited to show her mom the work that she's done with her addition facts. Taylor, of course, couldn't be prouder of her daughter, and she's just as happy to learn about all of the progress Skylar has made since the start of Kindergarten. In the second stage, the parents are given a short presentation by the teacher, Mrs. Davis, about what they've done so far, and what the rest of the year is going to look like for the kids. In the third part, the parents are brought down to the Art and Music classrooms, where their little ones show off the work that they've done there.

Skylar has always shown an interest in music, and Taylor would hope that she got it from her. However, she's come to question that more times than she wants to, especially with the genes that Skylar has inevitably received from her father's side. Luckily, Taylor's friends have done a great job in convincing her that the man has absolutely no talent, musical or otherwise, and Skylar's love for music comes from her mother and her mother only.

As soon as the open house is over, Karlie practically makes a beeline for Taylor, causing Cara and Kendall to put on their matching smirks again. When they first got married, Taylor really wanted to get them some sort of funny wedding present, like cheesy T-shirts or something, and now she really wishes she could've bought them matching shirts that say 'My wife is wearing the same smirk that I am'.

"Leaving so soon?" Karlie questions the other blonde.

Taylor nods. "I was hoping to get some work done on the album. I have a few ideas."

"I understand," Karlie says. "I probably have to get some things ready and then go pick up Bronson from his preschool, since it's only a half day program."

"Well, have fun with your nephew," Taylor replies.

"I will, if he isn't being the wild child that my sister always acts like he is when she calls me at nine o'clock at night with a bottle of wine," Karlie says, emitting a laugh from both of them. "By the way, that reminds me. What are you doing tomorrow night?"

"Me?" Taylor asks, as if Karlie could have possibly been talking to someone else.

"Yes, you, Taylor Swift, what are you doing tomorrow night?" Karlie repeats her question.

"Uh, nothing that I know of," Taylor says. "I'll probably just hang out at the house with Skylar. Why?"

"Well, do you think you could get someone to watch Skylar for the night?" Karlie asks. "I mean, I don't know if it's rude of me to ask something like that, but I want to take you out to dinner, and I don't know if she would enjoy coming to hang out with her mom and her mom's friend."

Taylor laughs. "Yeah, I don't think that sounds like too much fun to her either," Taylor says. "But I hardly ever leave her alone, so..."

"Oh, come on, Tay," Karlie says, the nickname slipping from her lips as naturally as it did all those years ago. "You deserve to have some time to yourself. Especially after all that you do for her."

Taylor sighs. "Alright. I've got some friends that I can ask."

"Wait..." Karlie says, confused. "I thought you said you moved out here alone?"

"They moved out here with their daughter a few years ago," Taylor replies. "Cara and Kendall have a little girl, Harlow, who's super close in age to Skye, and they've been best friends since they met."

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