* ~ seven ~ *

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'Love is a ruthless game
unless you play it
good and right'

As soon as the doorbell rings, Taylor hears Skylar stampeding down the stairs, the small girl bolting towards the front door. "Karlie's here!" she squeals, jumping up and down excitedly.

Taylor laughs, smiling down at her small daughter. "Hold on, Skye, I'll open the door, but you have to be on your best behavior, alright?"

Skylar nods in understanding, still bouncing on her toes in excitement. "Okay, Mommy."

Taylor, who is also having a hard time keeping the smile off her face, opens the door. As soon as she sees Karlie, she wants nothing more than to kiss her girlfriend, but seeing that Skylar is in the room, and she doesn't know that Karlie and Taylor are dating, she settles for hugging the model.

"I've missed you," Taylor whispers.

"I've missed you too," Karlie whispers as they break out of their hug.

"Hi, Skylar," Karlie says, bending down to meet the level of the little girl, or at least attempt to.

"Skye's been really excited about you coming over," Taylor says, smoothing back Skylar's hair.

"Really?" Karlie asks, smiling at the girl. "I've been looking forward to coming over, too."

Skylar smiles shyly. "Can I show Karlie my room?"

Taylor glances towards the direction of her girlfriend. "Kar? Is that okay with you?"

Karlie gives Skylar one of her signature sunshiny grins, the ones that made Taylor fall for the model quickly. "I'd love for you to show me your room, Skylar," she says.

"Yay!" Skylar cheers, her shyness momentarily forgotten as she runs over to the staircase and quickly scampers up the stairs.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Taylor asks, placing her hand on Karlie's forearm. "I can tell her that there's a change of plans if you don't want to be stuck with a five year old for God knows how long."

Karlie laughs, shaking her head. "You have absolutely no need to worry, Tay. I'd love to spend some time with Skylar, as long as that's okay with you," she says. "Plus, I'm pretty sure that the whole point of this dinner and me coming over was so that she could get acquainted with the idea of me being around a whole lot more often."

Taylor smiles in relief. "Okay. Well, I'm going to order the food, so I'll be up when I'm done."

"See you then," Karlie says, heading up the stairs as to where Skylar is eagerly calling for her.

Taylor quickly dials up the restaurant and orders the food, placing it under the name 'Alison Sands'. She's done this for as long as she can remember, completing simple tasks with different names, and in recent years, she's always said that either her husband or her boyfriend would pick up the food for her. It's just one of the ways that she's been able to keep herself secret, especially because the singer doesn't trust the people who work at restaurants, especially if they're going to have her phone number.

After Taylor has placed the order, she starts to head upstairs, where she hears the sounds of Karlie's and Skylar's voices, and laughter, but her phone rings with the name Cara Delevingne flashing across the caller ID. She decides that it wouldn't hurt to take Cara's call. After all, it saves her from having to deal with Skylar asking her when the food will be here, and since Karlie seems content with the little girl, Taylor answers the phone.

"Hello?" Taylor asks as she backs away from the stairwell, turning to go back into the living room to take Cara's call.

"Hi," Cara says, and Taylor can hear a hint of a smirk in her voice.

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