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'She's close to my mother,
talks business with my father,
she's charming and endearing
and I'm comfortable'

"We get to see Karlie today! We get to see Karlie today!" Skylar cheers when Taylor wakes up before breakfast. Not having to drive Skylar to school every morning has allowed Taylor to sleep in every day this weekend, and Skylar is perfectly content playing in her playroom while she waits for Taylor to wake up in the mornings.

"That's right, angel," Taylor says, laughing at the excitement her daughter has about seeing her girlfriend. They haven't even dated for two months yet, but Skylar is as attached to Karlie as Taylor imagined, and the singer loves seeing how much Skylar loves Karlie.

The past few days that Karlie has been away from the Swift girls has been hard, to say the least. Taylor hates waking up and remembering that her girlfriend is nowhere near being in St. Louis with them. It was hard to go all day Saturday without being able to call her, because apparently Karlie is in a lot of important meetings and can't be disturbed, but she always remembered to call every night before Skylar went to bed. There have been times where Taylor has woken up with her phone completely dead and laying on her pillow because she and Karlie both fell asleep while on FaceTime together and the call didn't disconnect until one, or both of their phones died. In some ways, it's a step forward in their relationship that Taylor is excited to be able to take in person. Falling asleep with Karlie by her side on the phone has been nice. Different, but nice, and Taylor is willing to soak up as much of her girlfriend as she can get.

Luckily for Taylor, she's pretty sure she doesn't have to deal with Skylar being in a bad mood for a while, especially because Karlie is going to be staying in St. Louis for the next few weeks or so, finalizing some things for her new apartment. She's promised that Taylor and Skylar can come over and help her decorate it, and Skylar especially was thrilled with the idea of getting to help set up Karlie's apartment. No matter how many times they get together, it's always been important to Karlie to give Skylar a part so that she feels like she's involved in the relationship. It's definitely not as easy as one may think, but Taylor is secretly grateful that her girlfriend is more than willing to put in the extra effort to make Skye happy- it just shows her that she's making the right decision by allowing Karlie into their lives.

They made it through the break, and Skylar has been excitedly awaiting this day ever since Karlie left. Taylor's been awaiting it as well, though, for different reasons. She does have some slight worries about meeting her girlfriend's family and hoping that they'll like her. After all, she never really met Karlie's family while the two were friends before Skylar was born, and Taylor has most definitely changed since then. Karlie's reassured her over the phone that no, her parents don't care that Taylor is a celebrity, and they'll treat her just as if they would treat the significant other of one of Karlie's sisters that they were meeting for the first time, but Taylor isn't really sure if that's supposed to be a blessing or a curse.


"Mommy?" Skylar asks once they're in the car. "Is Karlie your girlfriend?"

Taylor blushes crimson red, the color of her face practically blending in with the shade of her lipstick. "What made you think of that, baby?"

"Waverly and Jackson are dating, and they're gonna get married on Wednesday during recess," Skylar informs her mother. "So right now they're boyfriend and girlfriend."

Taylor lets out a laugh. Kindergarten "relationships" have always made her laugh, and with Skylar being in Kindergarten, it's given Taylor plenty of stories to enjoy about who's getting married on what day, and who is going to be the bridesmaids, groomsmen, ring bearer, and flower girl. It surprised Taylor that Kindergartners know how to plan weddings down to those details, to be honest.

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