Full Body Wax

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working at the foremost spa in the town is not a walk in the park. 

being the most sought-after employee doesn't really make it all that easier either.

that might help you figure out why jeon jungkook is having breakdowns every other day in the middle of his shifts like coffee breaks.

today, in particular, is a rougher than usual day for him - courtesy of some asshole who decided to throw a free opening party for his amusement park, the highlight of the evening being a sexy lifeguard competition which explains all these women lining up to have this poor 23-year-old college student wax their pussies.

what it has to do with a sexy lifeguard competition? he has no idea. and he doesn't want to know.

just as he's about to take a sigh of relief in celebration of being done with his last client of the day, he hears the intercom ringing, making him groan instead.

"jungkook your next client is ready" hoseok's voice goes straight through his ear to his aching head.

"how many more hyung?" he whined.

"already put up the close board so this is the last. i promise."

jungkook sighs "okay just give me a few minutes"

"sure" hoseok chirps before hanging up.

it's barely 5 minutes later that he hears a knock on the door.

"istg if i have to wax one more pussy today, i'll crawl back inside my mother's" he groaned before sighing one last time "come in!" he says, putting on his 'client charming' smile. 

"is this jeon jungkook?" a deep voice asks, making jungkook turn around only to have his breath knocked out of his lungs.

there, in front of him stands a man so beautiful it makes jungkook wonder if his brain is playing tricks on him but that doubt of his is thrown out of the window as the man speaks up again, a small smirk playing on his lips "is it not?"



"no i... i mean yes. yes, this is jungkook." 'great going idiot' he facepalms mentally.

the man's smirk widens as he enters the room properly, closing the door behind him. "kim taehyung, your 5:45" the client introduces himself.

"nice to meet you, taehyung. what can i do for you today?" he asks, proud of himself for being calm.

"i need a full body wax" 

"a f-full body wax?" 'so much for being calm, you dumb bitch' he scolds himself yet again.

"mhm" the client hums, scanning jungkook from head to toe, the smirk still not leaving his face.

"god help me" jungkook mumbles under his breath before turning back to taehyung, asking him to take off his robe. 'must've come straight out of the spa' he thinks as he takes the robe and places it neatly on the chair to his side.

"no!" he almost yells, startling taehyung who's in the middle of taking off his boxers. "let me do the rest of the body first."

"sure" taehyung chuckles. you can't blame jungkook for having that sound go straight to his dick.

"please lie down here" jungkook points to the table before starting to prepare the material.

he gulps as his eyes land on taehyung's crotch, bulge big enough to make him choke on his own spit just from the sight of it. he averts his gaze quickly, not wanting to make his client uncomfortable.

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