Chapter 1

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Leah Clearwater.

She was the most gorgeous woman in all of LA Push. Any time the rare Washington sun would hit her russet skin, it would glisten as if she were a Greek goddess being beamed down from Mount Olympus. She was the epitome of beauty in my eyes, here on the Quilute Reservation.

With her slim, yet muscular body. Her strong yet tantalizing chin right below those devilishly enticing dark brown eyes. 

Leah Clearwater was breath taking.

No one compared in my opinion.

I sighed and bit my lip. If only she could feel a portion of the feelings I had for her. But of course that would never ever happen.

For one, Leah was completely in love with Sam Uley.  Though for some odd reason there engagement had suddenly broken off, which I secretly was happy about, anyone with a brain would know she loved him still.

Two, Though she had been thoroughly hurt by Sam. She was now just like the rest of the "LA Push Gang". Following stupid Sam around and avoiding any real contact with the other local dwellers of the Rez.

The La Push Gang was what us "non members" had started calling Sam's group. Each and everyone seemed to get sick over a week or two, then magically pop back in to society. Taller, more muscular and just intimidating as hell.

Leah included. Though she was already tall she was now 6'2 to my ever short 5'1. Her once  waist length, luscious brown hair was now a short sexy Bob. I mean I loved the long hair but the Bob really was a nice look, and change.

But the third reason, I knew for a fact my love for her would never be anything more then a one-sided crush. I was a woman. She was a women.

An she was definitely far from a lesbian.

I bit my lip and sighed as I took a sip of my tea. The same tea that I knew was Leah's favorite when she came to Rimmy's diner here on The Rez.

I know it's wierd, but I just can't help but remember all the things I've learned about her.

Like the fact that every Thursday, like clock work, since she started hanging with Sam, She comes and orders the exact same meal. She never sees me. I always make sure to sit in a booth that blocks her view far on the other side. I see her, but she doesn't see me.

Or that her favorite color is burnt orange, like the rare setting La push sun.

She loves the calming waves of First beach, when she wishes to be alone and clear her head.

She loved her family. Now just her mom, Sue Clearwater and her goofy younger brother Seth. Harry her father had just recently passed.

Do I sound like a creep? Maybe...fuck I was totally a creep.

Even though I had never had a single conversation with Leah in my life. I have had the hots for her ever since her senior year, which had been my sophomore one.

The closest I ever got to her was sending her an anonymous poem to her locker. I knew she secretly had a thing for romance and I had been sure this would brighten her day. Providing the perfect opportunity to tell her my feelings.

Dear Love,

I hope this poem portrays my love for thee. An maybe one day we can someday be.

To find a kiss of yours
what would I give
A kiss that strayed from your lips
dead to love
My lips taste
the dirt of shadows     
To gaze at your dark eyes
what would I give
Dawns of rainbow garnet  
fanning open before God— 
The stars blinded them
one morning in May
And to kiss your pure thighs
what would I give
Raw rose crystal  
sediment of the sun

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