Chapter 4

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Kim was grinning at me. "I heard from a little birdy. You've been hanging out with Leah more."

I stared at her wide eyed. "An what bird told you this?"

She gave me a sheepish look. "Jared of course. Why didn't you tell me?"

I groaned and blushed. "Why does that guy know so damn much!?"

Kim smiled guiltily. "The gang is close. Besides he said he caught her coming to your house after pa...there shift last night."

I raised an eyebrow at her slip up, but shrugged.

"So she comes and naps in my bed. She thinks my bed is softer. No big deal."

Kim squealed. "Oh my god!!! She's been in your freaking bed!! You vixen!"

I blushed. "Will you shut up. There just naps! She's warm, my beds soft. We talk and nap. Friend shit..." I tried to play it off.

Kim gave me a pointed look. "We don't do that. Jared and I do that. Not friend activities Oreo!"

I blushed. "There just naps Kim. She doesn't try anything else and neither do I."

Leah had been practically sleeping with me every other night for the past month. I enjoyed every freaking moment. We usually would stay up a little and talk about unimportant things and just relax. Then sleep. No biggie....

Then why was I falling so helplessly more in love with her. FUCK....

"EEPPPP! I'm so happy for you. So no kissing?"

I bit my lip and shook my head.

"Who hasn't kissed who?" Jared asked popping his head in Kim's window. I groaned and slapped a pillow over my face.

I heard them exchange a kiss and then I could practically fill the smirk on Jared's goofy face.

"Come on ladies. Spill the tea. What's the newest gossip?" Jared said in a goofy accent.

I snorted and threw a pillow at him. Kim laughed and swatted at her boyfriend.

"Seriously. Who we talking bout?"

Kim sealed her lips and Jared stared her down. Kim cringed and I stared wide eye at her. She was so gonna cave.

"Just Ori and-" I slapped my hand over her mouth and glared.

She gave me a apologetic look.

Jared grinned as if Kim said enough. "Okay okay! Now I see. You getting antsy cuz my girl Leah hasn't laid one on you!"

I blushed and gritted my teeth.

Kim sighed. "Ori. I'm sorry. Jared literally knows everything about me. An I suck at keeping things from him."

"So you just blabbering all my freaking secrets to him. There secrets for a reason Kimberly-Ann." Kim cringed. She knew I was pissed when I pulled out the government name.

"Oreo! Im sorry. He doesn't know everything. But I mean he guessed the basics."

I glared at her then at Jared. Jared was frowning at us.

"So spill Cameron. What the hell have you told your friends!"

Jared looked at Kim and then me holding up his hands in surrender.

"Oreo. It's not as bad as your think. Our group is tight nit so we all just get so happy when one of our own finds true happiness. We all know how Leah feels for you and we know pretty much how you feel for her. An it makes it easier for you guys especially since you already like girls. An with your past... and how you can't stand for guys to touch or come near you."

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