Chapter 5

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The wolves.

They were magnificently beautiful. Each of them prowled out from between the trees growling and ready to attack at any moment.

They were humongous. In between the size of a bear and a horse. As the Cullens paused in front of the large group of clearly angry wolves I flinched.

Emmett held me closer to him and even Rosalie move forward to sheild me.

A Grey wolf growled viciously and began pacing back and forth in front of the treaty line.

"Why are they so angry?"

Rosalie rolled her eyes. "Cause were vampires. They hate vampires. An even worse your an imprint in a Vampires grasp."

I furrowed my eyebrows. My eyes were drawn to the silver wolf the second I looked the wolf in the eye they whimpered. Pawing the ground as if waiting for a order to cross and invisible line.

"That's Leah." Edward confirmed.

I could see her distress and I hated to see it.

"Leah! I'm okay. Please calm down." I tried to soothe her.

She froze and stared at me with so much worry it broke my heart.

Sam in human form stormed from the woods to where Leah was standing. Everyone else stood back in a formation. Ready to pounce.

Rosalie stepped to the side and gave me a nod. "We'll be in touch about your car."

I nodded at her in thanks before turning back towards Sam. Carlisle, Jasper, and Emmett moved forward.

Sam immediately reached for me and Emmett swiftly dropped me into his arms. Sam's body radiated heat like Leah and I stared up at him warily before gulping and taking in Leah in wolf form so close up.

She looked at me with so much worry, but quickly focused on the Vampires in front of her.

"What happen today? Bella told Jacob Oriana was attacked by the red head."

Carlisle quickly moved forward to explain they had been tracking Victoria and unfortunately had targeted me because I smelled like the wolves. Sam stiffened at this news, but nodded.

"Her injures?"

Carlisle smiled. "Sprained ankle, slight concussion and a small cut. She has been treated. She will heal fine."

Sam nodded. "Thank you for protecting her. We appreciate all your help Cullens."

Emmett crossed his arms. "We need to discuss a game plan about killing the red head. She's getting out of hand. Oreo could have really gotten hurt today."

Leah growled. An Sam gave Leah a warning look. I stared at Leah wide eyed. That growl was nothing to play with.

"I will have Jacob set up a time. Right now we need to get Ori home."

Jasper looked at me, at Sam. "Oriana is strong. What she encountered today could make the strongest of men weep. She took it well. But she would have faired better had she known the truth of our world. We filled her in due to necessity."

Leah froze and looked at me. My heart raced in my chest but I held my head high and I held her gaze with determination. She looked at Jasper after a moment.

Jasper nodded at me and I nodded back.

"Thank your Dr.Cullen. For everything." I whispered as Carlisle looked at me.

Dr.Cullen smiled a genuine smile. "You are welcome...Oreo."

I laughed for the first time since entering the clearing. An the rest of the Cullens smiled at me clearly finding the fact that Carlisle of all people called me the endearing nickname.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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