Chapter 5

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My last class of the day was History. The teacher was really nice. He told me to pick any seat I wanted. So naturally I chose the seat in the very back by the window. I was so lost staring out the window that I didn't even notice someone had sat down next to me.

As I looked over to see who it was my breath caught in my throat. It was Jasper freaking Hale. Holy Shit!!

Sadly class went by in the blink of an eye. I didn't really have time to introduce myself to Jasper.

I was the first to arrive at Bella's truck. I was just standing there waiting for her so we could leave. As I looked around the parking lot my eyes were caught by the most beautiful sight. Jasper Hale. Uhh I would love to run my hands through his gorgeous hair. Is that weird? Probably.

I could also see Edward staring at me with a smirk on his angel like face. What a douche. I thought as I glared back at him.

I turned my attention back to the school to see Bella hurriedly making her way towards me. She quickly opened the truck door and climbed in. As I made my way in I couldn't help but notice how upset she looked.

I swear I'm going to beat Edward up. What the hell has he done to her now?

Edward climbed into a shiny new silver Volvo with the rest of the Cullens. The many eyes were still watching both Bella and Athena.

Bella's eyes were wet with tears. but she fought them, she wouldn't let them fall. Instead she was mad.

"Jerk." Bella mumbles to herself.

"Who's a jerk?" I asked curiously even though I could guess who she was talking about.

Bella began telling me about how she caught Edward trying to switch out of our Biology class.

God what a jerk! I mean seriously he didn't even know her. What the hell could she have possibly done to him in such a short amount of time for him to act like that?

Bella and I made our way to Charlie's favorite diner. The one that he actually found me in. We're meeting him there for dinner.

Cora the waitress comes over and places a plate of cod in front of Bella. She then placed a plate of steak in front of both Charlie and I.

"Can't get over how grown up you are. And so gorgeous." Cora said smiling at Bella. Bella glanced at Charlie, who kept his eyes on his steak. Then she looked to me. It's kind of cute how awkward Bella gets when she's the center of attention. Don't get me wrong I hate attention too but I like to think I keep my composure better than Bella does.

"Member me, honey? I was Santa one year." asked Waylon leaning over to get a better look at Bella.

"Waylon, she hasn't had a Christmas here since she was four." replied Charlie.

"Bet I made an impression, though."

"You always do." said Charlie smugly.

"Let the girl eat her cod, Waylon." scolded Cora. She then turned to Bella. "When you're done, I'll bring your favorite berry cobbler. Remember? Your dad still has it. Every Thursday. And I'll bring a strawberry milkshake for you Athena."

"That'd be great, thank you Cora." I replied for Bella. She obviously didn't remember.

Charlie and Bella both reached for the salt. They knocked hands, Charlie goes for the ketchup instead. It's silent as everyone begins to eat.

God dinners are going to be awkward with these two. I guess I'll have to start up a conversation.

Surprisingly Bella spoke up first.

"So... you eat here every night?" Bella asked.

"Easier than washing dishes. But no not every night anymore. Athena has gotten me out of my routine. She cooks dinner for us every Tuesday and Thursday." replied Charlie.

"I can cook too. Athena and I could take turns making dinner throughout the week." Bella said looking at me with a smile. Charlie looked confused by the concept that Bella can cook.

"I do the cooking at home in Phoenix. Mom's not great in the kitchen." Bella continued noticing Charlie's confusion.

"I remember..." Charlie responded causing them both to laugh.

" I think that sounds great. Maybe we could make coming to the diner a Friday night type of thing." I said. It would be nice to not eat here all of the time even though the food is quite good.

They both nodded liking my idea.

"So how was school? Meet anyone?" Charlie asked.

"A few people. Do you know the Cullen family?"

Oh god Bella seriously you're going to ask about Edward.

Charlie looked up sharply at Bella. "Are people talking about them again?"

"No...well, a little." Bella said quietly.

"Just cause they're newcomers. We're lucky to have a surgeon like Dr. Cullen at our podunk hospital. Lucky his wife wanted to live in a small town. Lucky his kids aren't like a lot of the hell raisers around here." Charlie snapped.

"Okay..." Bella responded awkwardly not expecting Charlie to go off an a tangent like that.

"I just don't like narrow mindedness." Charlie said quickly before returning to his food.

"Well I don't mind the Cullens. They seem nice. They're a little quiet but they seem nice to me." I said smiling towards my uncle.

He looked up and nodded back with a small smile. I could see Bella was thinking about something. Probably Edward.

And so the rest of our meal was eaten in silence.

Here's chapter 5!

Let me know what you guys think!


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