Chapter One: I think I might be a stalker

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    A/N:  Before I start I would like to say that none of these characters belong to me.  They were thought up by the wonderful author, Rick Riordan.  Thank you Rick, for so many years of happiness.  Now without further ado, here is Annabeth


         I woke up screaming.  It was one of my worst nightmares yet, and that was saying something.  It was always the same concept, Luke commiting a massive betrayal and me watching as he ran away, retreating farther and farther away from me until he was gone completely.  And I was powerless to stop it.  But this time it had been worse.  So much worse.  This time Percy was with me.  We were running through the streets of New York, being chased, I thought, by some unthinkable monster.  We were doing fine when we took a wrong turn and ended up at a dead end, trapped.  Then I saw the monster.  It was Luke.  He looked skinny and weak, and he looked so tired. 

"Luke,"  I said. 

"Annabeth, stay back," Percy said grabbing my arm.

"No Percy! I can fix him! I know I can!"  I turned to Luke.  "You wouldn't hurt me Luke, I know you wouldn't."  I stepped closer.  "Come back to camp with me, you can be happy again,"  I thought I had him won over when he lunged.

I barely had time to think before a saw Percy jump in front of me and try to parry Luke's blade, but Luke was to fast, and he disarmed Percy.  Then he brought his blade down on Percy's heart.  My entire body went numb.  In the distance I heard screaming.  Only when I woke up did I realize that it had been mine. 

After that it took me a while to calm down.  When I had, I had the strange sense that there was something else I should remember, but I brushed it off and went downstairs, careful not to be to loud as I went past my stepbrothers' rooms.  Life had been okay here.  Things between my dad and I weren't perfect, but there was no denying that they were better than before.  I reached into the fridge and got myself a cup of juice.  As I sat down to read my book, I thought about how I really had Percy to thank for living here now.  Though I would never tell him it, he had been right about me needing to patch things up with my dad. 

With thoughts of Percy came thoughts of my dream.  It sent a shiver down my spine thinking about it, but I knew that it wasn't real.  The dreams that really mattered were the ones where I wasn't actually in, but watching, like an innocent bystander.  Those were the ones that were real.  I had the feeling that I should remember something again.  Something about dreams.... oh gods, Thalias tree, camp,  I had to find Percy.


I left a note on the fridge for my dad that I was going to camp.  I hoped he wouldn't worry, we didn't need anymore strain on our relationship.  I took a bus to Percy's neighborhood and started looking for his apartment.  With a start, I realized that I had no idea which one he lived in, just the general area of where he lived.  I think I recall him saying something about having a fire escape when I asked him about his house, so I will start there.  I slap on my invisibility cap and start to climb. 

It takes me three different collumns to find the right room.  When I finally do, it is on the fifth story and the escape is not looking paritcularily reliable.  I start thinking about ways that I could improve it by adjusting the structural supports and...

Focus Annabeth. I had to stay on track.  I was here to get Percy.  I watched him for a little while.  He really did drool when he slept.  I remember that was pretty much the first thing I said to him.  He probably thought that I was a class 5 stalker.  In fact, what I was doing right now was pretty stalkerish in itself,  watching him sleep.  I thought that most people looked peaceful when they slept, but Percy looked anything but peaceful.  He had that confused look on his face where his brow kind of scrunched together, forming cute little wrinkles... whoah, Annabeth, what about Percy is cute?! Snap out of it! 

I was destracted from my thoughts when Percy started to stir.  Then his eyes bolted open and he sat straight up.  He still had that confused look on his face, and his frown lines got deeper.  Then he looked at me, and for a second I thought that he actually saw me, but then he brushed it off and left his room, leaving me on the fire escape, thinking about how much of a stalker I was.


A/N:  Okay, so how was it? This is my first time writing anything, so bear with me!  I would appreciate any constructive critisism that you have to offer!! Also, sorry about the shortness and pretty much boringness of this chapter.  In the book it was pretty much Percy's dream and him waking up and leaving the room, so I was pretty much coming up with this as I went!!

Allright, thanks for reading!!  Have a wonderful day.

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