Chapter 4: The Tree

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Bulls. Colchis bulls. Completely bronze and the size of elephants. Made in the very forge of Hephaestus. They could breath enough fire to fry a demigod in one blast. But I had dealt with monsters before. That wasn't the problem. The problem was, What were they doing in my camp? Thalia's tree should protect against things like this. Ever since I was little, so many things have changed, but Thalia has never let me down. Even in her last breath.

So when I walked up and saw this scene, you would imagine that I would be surprised. I couldn't think of anything that could happen to hurt the tree. it would have to be an inside job. But who?

All that I could manage to get out was, "Oh, man." I know, it was pathetic, but I was in shock. I saw a bunch of kids spread over the lawn, running franticly. At first I thought that they had been surprised and had come to arms last minute, but then I noticed that they were wearing full battle armor, so it must have been planned. Probably border patrol.

My theory was proven correct when a familiar voice shouted, "Border patrol, to me!" It was Clarisse.

"Come on," I said to Percy, "It's Clarisse, we have to help!" Percy looked skeptical. I couldn't believe that he was debating this! Sure, him and Clarisse had had their differences, but she was still a fellow camper! He couldn't seriously be thinking about this!

Thankfully though, Percy eventually came to the same conclusion as me, and took out Riptide. "Tyson, stay here," he said, "I don't want you taking anymore chances." Was he crazy?! I hated to admit it, but that Cyclops was our best asset.

"No! We need him!" I shouted. He just kind of stared at me blankly.

"He's a mortal. He got lucky with those dodge balls, but he can't-"

"Percy," I cut him off. I didn't have time to explain the Cyclops to him right now, "do you know what those are up there? Colchis bulls. We can't fight them without Medea's Sunscreen SPF 50,000. We'll get burnt to a crisp!"

I began rummaging through my backpack. Percy said something, but I was to zoned out to hear it. I was completely encompassed by my thoughts. "I had a jar of tropical coconut scent sitting on my nightstand at home. Why didn't I bring it!?" I asked, exasperated with myself for forgetting such an important resource for fighting most fire-breathing monsters. I had just read about it in Not so Ancient Greek monsters and how to fight them, a book Chiron had leant me. How could I be so stupid? Percy probably thought that I was a total idiot, but all he said was,

"Look, I don't know what you are talking about, but I am not letting Tyson get fried."

"Percy-" I tried again, but he didn't give me time to finish

"Tyson, stay back, I'm going in," He raised Riptide and charged. Wow, he was impulsive, he barely knew anything about these bulls, and yet he charged straight at them. That was something I could never do, and I kind of admired him for it (even if it did get him into some very bad trouble at times)

Since I couldn't very well sit there and do nothing, I started running up the hill too. I could see that Clarisse was trying to get her troops into the Phalanx formation, which was a good idea, in theory, but was poorly executed. Especially when only six campers were helping. The other four were running around with their helmets on fire. I quickly weighed my options and decided that my best bet was to try and distract the bulls. I sprinted up the hill and ran up behind the bull and started to taunt it. I had a plan, but now, staring into the eyes of a humongous bronze bull, the plan didn't seem like such a lock. But I stuck to it anyway and ran, getting the bull to chase me. When I had lead it about 20 yards away from the flaming campers, I slapped on my cap, becoming invisible. I didn't stop taunting though, and the bull looked around, utterly confused. I danced around, calling and calling. In the background I saw Clarisse bravely leading her meager group of troops. I couldn't help but admire her bravery.

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