Level 2: Button Mash

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An eleven year old Izuku Midoriya shifts through the attic of his shared family home on a rainy afternoon, box after box moved aside in favor of Izuku's goals. "Come on, I know Uncle Parad hid that GENMBoy up here somewhere. I just want to try Mighty Action X on the original hardware!" He says to himself as he digs through another box of useless junk, pushing it aside once he's sorted through it.

Honestly, Izuku's not even sure why he's still at this. From all the game tournaments he's won lately, he would have more than enough to just buy one online, in spite of their exuberant prices. But, something tells him to keep looking for this one. Something itching at the back of his head, telling him that he needs to find this one specific GENMBoy that his uncle offhandedly mentioned having placed up here weeks and weeks ago.

Izuku sighs as he continues looking, pulling another box towards him. He sits through this one as well, until his hand touches something a bit... Cold. Izuku tilts his head in confusion. Most things in these boxes so far were room temperature, usually clothes or made from plastic. Izuku reaches further in, before he pulls out a hefty looking case, black metal covering it all. In the middle, the letters GD are emblazoned in a pinkish purple. Izuku pulls it out completely, pushing the box to the side.

Placing the case in his lap, Izuku clicks the tabs on the side, unlocking the object. Placing his palms on one side of the handle, he slowly pushes the lid up, revealing the contents inside. A variety of old Genm Corp games rest on the side, each sporting an odd handle that Izuku was sure didn't usually come on these devices. Looking over them all, he was surprised at the selection the case held: Drago Knight Hunter Z, JuJu Burger, Gekitotsu Robots, Bakusou Bike, and even... A copy of Mighty Action X. Each of them had a bit of dust on them, which is fair considering these are all games from over two hundred years ago, but they also seem like they were made to last, with how they too felt cold to the touch. Moving to the right, there was an odd buckle, painted in neon greens and pinks, with a hinged plate covering the middle.

Izuku took the buckle out, looking over it. It too was metal it seemed, the object cool to his fingers. He flipped it around, finding a small piece of paper attached to the back, which he took off, looking over it to read.

'Fate can be changed. Never let yourself think otherwise. Level Up where I cannot. - Emu Hojo'

Izuku flipped the device back around, letting himself stare at the front facing panel.

"Fate can be changed..."

"And so, I looked up how to fix old games, and brought it all up to its current state." Izuku explains, rubbing at the back of his neck, as the brunette doctor simply looks at him. "Are you mad at me, Aunt Asuna?"

The woman, Asuna, lets out a sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose. "No, Izuku. Well, yes, but more at how you could have gotten yourself hurt today. Moreover, I'm... I'm disappointed you didn't tell us that you found this stuff. You know how much your Great Grandfather Emu meant to me and Parad."

"I-I know, Aunt Asuna. I just... I want to be as good as he was. You and Uncle Parad sing of his praises, so..." Izuku begins, holding onto the Gamer Driver tightly. Asuna stands up and places her hand on the boy's head, the greenette looking up at her warily, as she gives him a smile.

"It's okay Izuku." She says, ruffling his hair a little bit. "I'm just... I'm still adjusting to the information, but I'm not going to put you in trouble. You can keep the Driver, but we'll be telling everyone else at the next family meeting, okay?" Asuna asks of the boy, who merely nods in response, before he walks off to his room.

Asuna lets out a sigh, before slumping back down into her seat. It had been so long since she had seen Ex-Aid last, years upon years. Though the time was shorter since she had last seen its original user, if only by a small margin. The cheery eyed and bright smiling Emu Hojo who had been her first true friend. She lets out another sigh before pulling her phone from her pocket, pulling up her contacts with the simple swipe of a finger. She should call Parad, she knows that she should, but... She promised Izuku it would be talked about at the next family dinner. Just a few days, that's all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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