Chapter 2

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"I'm home everyone," I called as I entered the dorm. Unlike when I arrived earlier, no greeted me at the door. I only found three of my hyungs in the living room, so I assumed the rest went to bed already. Jin-hyung was the one who acknowledged me while Yoongi-hyung and Rapmon-hyung where watching the TV.

"Jungkook-ah," said Jin-hyung in a serious tone,"where have you been? Do you know how late it is? The last time you came home this late it was because--"

He cut himself off, probably thinking he shouldn't over step that boundary. To think that she still be the only reason why I stay out this late when I have free time.

"A-ah, sorry about that," he apologized as he cringed at what he believed to be a fatal mistake.

"It's okay, hyung," I said as I smiled at him warmly."Besides, the reason for me getting back so late stayed the same after all."

That remark alone made Namjoon-hyung drop the remote, Yoongi-hyung drop his phone, and Jin-hyung  spit out his water.

"WHAT?!?!" The three of them screamed that in unison, causing the others to come rushing to the living room.


Rose POV

"WHAT?!?!" Shouted Jennie-unnie and Jisoo-unnie. When I told them that me and Lisa met Jungkook, they freaked out without even considering how loud they were. They freaked out even more when I told them that we were friends now.

"Finally, it's about damn time," said Lisa as she sat down on the couch next Jennie-unnie.

"Lisa, language," said Jisoo-unnie as she put the hammer down."She is right, though."

"You can say that again," said Jennie-unnie with her usually sassy attitude."I can't believe it took you two 5 years to just talk about it. To think that if Lisa didn't make that bet, we'd still have that problem."

Just then, Jisoo-unnie got a text. I took a glance over her shoulder because she was next to me, only to see the name of a person she had been texting back and forth with for some time.

"Wait," began Jennie-unnie as she looked at me and Jisoo,"is that who I think it is?"

"Yep, it's Jin-oppa," I replied with a giggle."It looks like their dorm is in an uproar as well."

"Well they should be," said Lisa as she looked offened by my words,"a miracle has finally occurred."

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I have had a long day and I want to get some sleep," I said as got up from the couch and made my way to my room, leaving the the three of them to continue talking. After meeting Jungkook today and having our talk, I feel real exhausted.



"Jungkook, I need you to wake up now," shouted Namjoon hyung from outside my door. I opened my eyes slowly, the Crack in the curtains shining the sunlight on my face. After sitting up, I got out of bed and checked the time. I was confused to see that it was 8:00 in the morning because I went to sleep at around 11:00 last night. I hadn't slept that well in years, so I was quite surprised.

As I opened my door to greet my hyung, I found all 6 of them standing around looking at me with worried faces. It was weird to see 3 of them outside my door, let alone all of them. I had just woken up and it was my first day back, so I was very confused as to why this was happening.

With my morning voice as I rubbed my eye I asked,"What's up?"

"You need to see this," said Jimin-hyung as he gave me his phone. On the screen there was a news article that was posted earlier this morning. My eyes that were once half shut, were now wide with great surprise. What I saw stopped my heart beat for a second. I wasn't ready to see what I saw at all.

"Bang PD-nim wants to see you in an hour," said J-hope hyung as he grabbed the phone and handed it back to Jimin."Don't worry, we plan to at least wait outside the door to his office."

I couldn't answer him, my mind was in a frenzy. I couldn't think straight, my thoughts smashing against my head as I tried to think of what to say, what to do. That's when a sharp pain went through my cheek

"Jungkook, get a hold of yourself," yelled Jin hyung as everyone stood there in awe of his actions."You don't have time to panic and over think the situation, so get your head out of your ass and get a move on!"

He was right, this was no time to worry about my problems. I could worry about what to do when I got to the company. I took Jin-hyungs advice and got ready as fast as possible.


"Jungkook-ssi," said Jennie-noona as I reached Bang PD-nim's office,"hurry, they're waiting for you."

I took her advice and knocked on the door.

*knock knock*

"Enter," came the voice of my boss as I knocked. I knew from the instant he said to come in that he wasn't too happy. When I opened the door, I saw him sitting in a nice leather chair with the end of a coffee table in front of him. To his right was another man who I assumed to be YG-nim sat on one of the couches. On his left was Chaeyoung who sat staring at the ground, only glancing at me when I entered. After bowing to them, I quickly made my way over to sit next to Chaeyoung.

"Now that everyone is here, we can begin," said PD-nim as he dropped the papers he was holding on the coffee table. YG-nim motioned for us to grab them, so we did awkwardly.

"Before you guys read the papers, we will tell you about the situation," said YG-nim as he uncrossed his legs and sat up a little."Last night, the two of you were caught with each other at Han River, causing the massive scandal that is being reported on globally as we speak. Since this is such a huge scandal, there was no possible way for us to keep it on the down low."

"The good news about this is that we had a plan in place," said PD-nim as he followed suit."Two years ago, right after Jungkook left, we had a meeting to talk about something that could change everything. We decided to wait until after he had come back, knowing that it would be the perfect time to put the plan in motion."

We were confused by what they said. They were talking about a plan that they made for my return to the k-pop scene, but why would they do that when we had tried to stay away for so long?

"The papers you guys have hold everything you need to know," said YG-nim as he stood up to go open the door."The rest of you also need to hear about this, so come on in."

The rest of them entered looking just as confused as we were. However 3 my members didn't look all that confused.

"Everyone we have a big announcement," exclaimed PD-nim as he stood from his seat with big smile."Today marks the beginning of the collaboration of BTS and Blackpink!"



Hello everyone, thanks for the support thus far. I am really happy to move forward with the story as it one that I like a lot. I know this chapter was shorter than the first, but that's because Chapter 3 is going to be a continuation of this chapter so this isn't super long. Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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