OMG 1😈

58 2 16

today i woke up and stares in the mirror at my humiongis voluminous phattay as my pawpaw calles me down " Y/N YOU FAT UGLY BITCH GET DOWN HERE NOW " he growls i walk down the stairs to my dumpster house because we are incredibly poor after brushing through my soft thick blonde and pink ombre hair that is totally completely naturel and goes down to my toes as i walk down the stairs i hear my pawpaw talking to someone the voice sounds sexy masculine manly and husky and i almost nutted in my tight black skinny jeans that stick to my ass crack in just the right way with holes at the knees because i am Emo af obviously .

i enter the kitchen to see my pawpaw and meemah talking to a 7'4 tall sexy man with a strong jaw line and dark black hair that reaches just above his shoulder i stare at the man and a smol click happens in my teeny bleached blonde brain OMG IS THAT GEE WEE WAY THE SEXY ALPHA SINGER MAN WHO IVE BEEN TOLD HAS A BIG HONKA MONKA DING A DONG ????????????????????????? my jaw droppes as gerardy says "Hey Kitten" in his SEXY HOT AMAZING DADDY DOM VOICE i almost nut myself then and there.
"h-h-h-h-h-h-h-hh-h--hey-y" i squirt and stutter out i blush embarrassed because gee wee is in MY KITCHEN RIGHT NOW.

"Y/N WE ARE SELLING YOU WE NEED THE MONEY MR.WAY IS GIVING US 47.9 MILLION DOLLARS FOR YOU UGLY FAT ASS GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW YOU FUGLY GIRL, thank you mr gee wee sexy poo tinkles for everything good bye" pawpaw says before kissing gee on the cheek.

we walk out to Gerrds big sexy black limousine and i say "t-t-t-tank you mr sir uwu im s-s-sorry" i trip over my super long sexy totally real hair. gerrd pickes me up and he sexily growls out "dont worry kitten pookie sweaty baby girl. and call me Gee Wee Daddy Mastahr Sir Sexy Man Alpa from now on."  "o-o-o-ooo-o-kka-yy ow-woo' i blush and we drive away.


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