OMG 2😈

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"wake up sugar cubicle darling kitten"
i hear geewee huskily whispers into my ear.
"h-h-hewwo sowwy alpa" i stare up at him with my gigantic icy blue doe eyes that captivate him with their sexy innocentness.
"DONT look at me like that kitten" he growls out, causing me to blush heavily "grr baby girl.. im sorry.. youre just so sexy and pretty and delicious with your long locks and blue eyes that stare into my heart... i cant contain myself around you..." he says, his hazel orbs piercing through me. "d-d-d-d-d-d-daddy owo w-w-w-what ever do you mean senpai ?" i ask cutely. "there's something i need to tell you kitten.." he lifts me up gently, my feather like form fitting perfectly into his big stwong manly arms, and frollocks us away into the woods.

"W-W-WHOAH DWADDY UR SO STWONG" i exclaimed as he set me down on to the harsh forest floor. "i know *rawr*" he responds. "w-what did you need to tell me geewee?" i ask innocently. "im... a werewolf (y/n)....." he stares into the distance, anxious about what my response will be. "a W-W-W-WHAT??????!!?!?" i scream out in shock. he then steps back and takes off his shirt and pants, silently. w-w-woah.. i think, staring at his sexy hairless yet masculine manly fit chest, with my mouth watering at the veiw. he starts to growl and flex, making me foam at the mouth with desire.. THEN SUDDENLY ..... he transformes into a big black furry handsome wolf.. and i black out...


Gerard Way x Reader (18+)Where stories live. Discover now