One • Spring 1

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"Stardew Valley, next stop!"

The voice woke Peggy from her slumber with a start.  She jerked her face away from the rattling window, rubbing her tender jaw.  How long had she been asleep?

She had gotten up to catch the bus early this morning.  It was only about an hour ride to the valley from the city, but the stops along the bus route pushed that closer to three hours.  So there she had been, at six o'clock that morning, dutifully waiting for her ride with a ragged backpack on her shoulder, a crumpled letter in her pocket, and an old suitcase in her hand.

Peggy glanced out the window, watching as trees blurred out of her line of sight.  With wide eyes, she spotted a smudge on the glass from her cheek, and a thin trail of drool tracing its way towards the windowsill.  She hurriedly wiped it away with her sleeve, hoping that no one else on the bus had noticed.

Peggy hadn't been to Pelican Town since she was about eight.  It was a lovely little community, nestled in the sprawling valley.  Her grandfather had owned a farm there, and he supplied much of the fresh produce and artisan goods available in the town.  She could remember warm summer weekends where she would help her grandfather feed the chickens and milk the cows -- though Peggy spent most of that time chasing after the chicks.  In the evenings, they would go down to the beach and watch the sunset, each with an ice cream cone in hand.  Peggy had always been dismayed when her parents arrived to pick her up on Monday mornings.

For many years, her grandfather was the only family member Peggy had out here, besides her parents.  Her mother wanted to stay close by so that she could take care of him.  When he passed away, her mother had hoped to gain custody of the farm.  But it was given to her elder brother instead, as her Grandfather hadn't left it to anyone in his will.  With no more reason to live near the valley, Peggy and her parents moved away to begin anew, and she thought that she would never see Pelican Town again.

Until, however, Peggy received a letter two weeks ago.  She had been living in a modest apartment in Zuzu City after completing college.  She had a stable job in her desired career field, and she thought that her life was heading in the right direction.  But the correspondence from her mother had changed everything.

There were two pieces of paper in the envelope she received.  One was cracked and yellowed, and the other had her mother's distinct handwriting.  Peggy read the newer one from her mother first, and she was shocked by the contents.  Apparently, for the first time in years, Peggy's uncle had gone to the farm to begin cleaning up the lot.  However, they discovered a chest containing some of her grandfather's belongings.  One of the contents was a neatly folded letter -- to Peggy.  Her mother wrote that this letter indicated her grandfather's wish to bestow his farm to his only granddaughter.

Upon inspection of the other piece of paper in the envelope, Peggy realized that it was the letter that her mother had mentioned.  She wept as she read it, memories of her grandfather flooding back to her.  She so desperately wanted to see the farm again, but she wasn't sure if she should go back.  But the last line of her mother's letter made Peggy's decision for her.

I talked to your uncle.  The farm is yours.

Over the next few days, Peggy packed up her entire life with the intention to move to Stardew Valley.  She gave her two week's notice at her job, sold her apartment, and shoved as many of her belongings as possible into her backpack and only suitcase -- the rest of her items were donated.  She had contacted the mayor of Pelican Town earlier that week to confirm her move to the farm.  He had been overjoyed by the news.  In the blink of an eye, Peggy's entire life had been turned upside down.

Screeching tires and a jolting sensation jarred Peggy from her reverie.  She blinked, startled by the bus' sudden stop.

"Stardew Valley!" the driver called.

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