Journal #3

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July 18,2021

So... its been a few days and I haven't been on top of my journal writing like I promised myself but... work has had me on my ass these past few days. With Florida weather, I felt like its been too damn hot, for no damn reason. And it's getting me dark asf, literally my feet is lighter than my legs. It's ridiculous and I just know it's not going to get any cooler no time soon unless its raining. But enough of the same old work stories, let me just explain wtf has been going on these past few days.

I believe two days ago me and my ex got into it, now mind you we never ended things on a bad note but ig that night he decided he wanted to get into all the bad things that happened prior when we were together. Old me, wouldve entertained the damn argument and say shit back, but arguing just gets so played out. Especially when he tried to start WHILE I WAS AT WORK. All because he assumed I was mad. Matter fact let me get into that right there.

So he sent me facetime pictures of this girl he was on facetime with right? So Im like huh? He gone say it was on accident. In my head im like how in the hell you send it to "my phone" by mistake, but I digress. So i just stopped texting him, cause Im not with childish games, im not even with you. So he gonna ask me a few days later like "we good?" Im like yea, im just leaving you alone...clearly. He saying why, so I told him I felt that was childish sending another female to my phone, now was I wrong? No. But he said it wasnt his intention and it was by accident blah blah blah so Im like alright. He asked if we good Im like yea. And this when that assumption shit gets me irritated. So the following day he said some shit as to him thinking Im still mad, mind you I been forgot about the shit, saying that I hate him. I kindly sent a audio message telling him "stfu with that cause now you about to make me tight" cause why you doing that while Im at work?Later on that day, we still arguing, now I can kind of see why people say dont be cool with your ex's. That shit was so dead, like I dont have the energy for that shit. Hell I look like??

On a good note, I WILL BE APARTMENT BROWSINGGGGGG. Its about that time, and Im honestly so excited. My first big change in my life since this year has started. Before this year is over I will be moving out my grandmas house and into my own spot. No more hearing my little cousins arguing, the baby crying, NONE of that. My own peace, my own space, my soon to be comfort zone.

Also some other shit happened, but I refuse to speak on that shit as of yet, lemme word my words right cause if my kindness gets taken for weakness, someone is going to jail, and that someone is me. Til next time..


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