Chapter 13

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Dedicated to the_bloody_werewolf
godofthegreenfoxes <3 thank you guys so much! Love ya 💜


{Still Eris's POV}

Daphne smiled at me as she yanked my hair, making me look right at her. How could she trick me like that? I was sure it was Vivian..

"Sorry it's not your little knight in shining armor." She laughed, and I was horrified of what I saw. Her teeth were..different. Sharper, longer. Was she some kind of vampire? What the hell was happening? Vampires didn't even fucking exist! Was this a prank?

I just shook my head at her, since the gag was still in my mouth. I wasn't going to be one of those girls from horror movies who tried to make noise when they knew they couldn't. What would be the point in losing my voice now if I could use it later?

"You're really pathetic you know," she laughed, "Vivian!" She mocked as if that's how I had said her name. Tears threatened my eyes but I pushed them back. What did Daphne want? Was this a dream? What the hell was happening? "I bet you're really confused, but don't worry, it'll all make sense soon." Disgust coursed through me as her hand stroked down my cheek to my chest. "Vivian is very lucky though, to have you. But who knows if she actually will. Grab her and take her to the car, boys."

{Vivian's POV}

"You're so slow." I laughed and poked Jeremy in the ribs. We were sitting down, our backs against a large tree.

"Hey! I am not!" He protested.

"Please, I was practically miles ahead of you." I snickered, staring at the full moon. We had shifted back a few minutes earlier. It wasn't like werewolves had to stay shifted if there was a full moon, they just had to shift at least once a week. Most werewolves shifted more than once, but those like me who had a hard time didn't.

"That's so not true. You're being overdramatic Vivian."

"Please, if anyone is overdramatic it's you."

"You are so-" his sentence was cut off as my phone rang. I frowned when I saw that it was an unknown number.

"Hello?" I asked, answering it.

"Hello, Vivian." I froze as I heard his voice. The voice that I used to know and laugh with so long ago. My brother. "I believe we have something of yours. Now let me ask you, dear sister, why didn't you tell me you were a lesbian?" Everything in my body froze, and my hand tightened around the phone. "You're lover is very beautiful, you know."

A growl tore through my throat as I demanded, "What the fuck did you do to her?"

He laughed, "Nothing. Yet."

"You son of a-"

"Don't swear, little sister."

"Where is she?" I hissed, standing up.

"With us. Duh." He snickered. I knew what he meant by 'us'. Rogues.

"What do you want, Mason." I sighed, worried about Eris.

"Isn't it obvious? I want you to come get her."

"I can't really do that if I don't know where you are now can I, dumb ass?" I growled, starting to pace.

"I'll give you a hint: Somewhere, over the rainbow, way up high. Be there, sis."


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