Chapter 75 Yun Bixue Gone Mad

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ia Dongkun watched as the beauty before his eyes ignored him and even sat on his seat. He strode over immediately and knocked over the wine bottles beside him. A 'bang!' sounded as the glass shattered and he tried to use his dirty hands to fondle Yun Bixue.

Yun Bixue smacked Jia Dongkun's hand away. "Get lost."

The crisp slap reddened the back of Jia Dongkun's hand, and it started to swell up. It was obvious how much force Yun Bixue had just applied.

"Hey, missy, stop acting as if you like it rough. The Yun family is already in shambles, and yet you're still acting up against me. Haha, but I do like feisty ladies like you, so exciting. Tsk, tsk..."

The Du family brothers cheered on at the side. "Brother Dongkun, seeing how distant this beauty is, she doesn't seem to fancy you!"

Another woman beside them snickered shyly, "Hehe. Elder Brother Jia, Miss Yun has already hooked up with Young Master Xie, why would she drink with you? She has her own backers and is indeed quite the big shot."

"That's right, who dares to offend Young Master Xie? The thought of it is already terrifying!" another woman spoke, and she gazed at Yun Bixue provokingly.


By this point, Jia Dongkun was tipsy, and since everyone was throwing in their own insults, he grew increasingly muddled. "Bah! How dare the ruined Yun family put down my Jia family? Do you even know who backs my family? Haha, Young Master Xie? He's just an outsider who thinks he can wield control over Ning An City...!" Jia Dongkun yelled in anger.

Seeing that Yun Bixue had turned up without an invitation, Su Lengxian was already displeased. However, watching how the crowd mocked Yun Bixue, there was no doubt that she felt ecstatic." Jia Dongkun, Miss Yun and my elder brother used to be together, but the person he liked was Meng Xinyan and definitely not her. Rumor has it that she had many suitors when she was in university. But because she rejected them all, everyone decided that the one who can finally capture her heart is a real man."

"Ah, the person that Miss Yun has set her eyes on is Young Master Xie!"

"How impressive can Young Master Xie be? My ice beauty, you should come with me. I'll make sure to give you a life of luxury. Haha..." As he spoke, the stench of alcohol gushed out of his mouth.

Yun Bixue watched the crowd's behavior coldly, and she scoffed. They were truly birds of the same feather. Tonight, because they dared to harm Xie Limo and herself, she would let everyone witness what she was capable of.

Before her eyes, Jia Dongkun attempted to reach for her with his lecherous hands again. Yun Bixue picked up a glass bottle and slammed it against the table. A crisp crashing sound reverberated, stunning everyone in the room.

The glass fragments scattered all over the floor, splashing alcohol everywhere. The initially bustling room was instantly engulfed in absolute silence.

Bang! The sound of a second bottle being smashed against the table was heard. Yun Bixue propped a leg on the table and held the remnants of the glass bottle in her hand.

"Want to see more? Then repeat everything that you just said!" Yun Bixue voice was piercingly cold as her penetrating gaze swept across everyone in the room.

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