Chapter 73 Inciting Yun Mengshi

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he next day when Yun Bixue arrived at work, her employees pointed at her as they talked behind her back. Just within a morning, all the employees who had been busy gossiping instead of working were dismissed. Those at the receptionist area who had let Su Lenghan and the others into her office were also fired.

The company was in an uproar. It was shocking that Yun Bixue had such a powerful influence.

Yun Bixue reviewed the report in her hands and smiled gracefully. Yesterday, Meng Xinyan had used Yun Mengshi to instigate a conflict between Su Lenghan and herself, making him feel disappointed by her. Thus, she decided to return the favor and use Yun Mengshi to annoy Meng Xinyan.

Yun Mengshi was truly fond of Su Lenghan, but she had never been triggered enough to reveal it. Yun Bixue had only incited her briefly yesterday, and she believed that this decision would soon bear fruit in the near future.

After that episode, the company's employees treated her with much more respect as she came and left from work. Yun Bixue offered no explanations and anticipated the results of the game that she was playing.

After getting off work that day, Yun Bixue arrived at Jorya Times, where Yun Mengshi sat waiting for her.

Yun Bixue noticed that the marks on Yun Mengshi's face had disappeared and nodded in satisfaction. Since she intended to make Yun Mengshi a key chess piece in her game, she definitely had to look pretty.

"Elder Sister!" Nowadays, whenever Yun Mengshi saw Yun Bixue, she would feel alarmed. She felt her elder sister had become rather insane and morbid, but thinking of what her sister had relayed to her, she couldn't help but feel enticed.

"Yes, let's go. As your elder sister, I've never bought you any pretty clothes. Let's stroll through this shopping mall, and I'll buy you something nice," Yun Bixue said through her smile, putting on the look of a loving older sister.

However, Yun Mengshi only felt that Yun Bixue emitted an aura of insanity. It made her hair stand on end.

Yun Bixue looked at Yun Mengshi who simply continued to sit there, and she knitted her brows impatiently. "Why are you still sitting here? Do you not like your elder sister buying clothes for you?"

Yun Mengshi shook her head frantically, "No!"

"Then let's go!" Yun Bixue led the way, and Yun Mengshi followed behind cautiously. In her heart, she was jealous and detested Yun Bixue, but with the tempting prospect of benefits right before her eyes, she could only endure everything.

Yun Bixue finally chose a pale yellow dress and a white shawl to lay over it. She asked Yun Mengshi to try it on before picking out a few accessories for her.

After Yun Mengshi was done, she stood before Yun Bixue. Watching the latter's eyes glitter brightly, she felt increasingly uneasy in her heart.

"My sister is indeed very pretty. Sigh, when I was together with Lenghan, he often said that he loved seeing me dress like this, looking pure and gentle. Yaoyao used to egg me on too, telling me that men would only take an interest when a girl looked very gentle. It will especially ignite a sense of protection within them. Sigh, such a pity that I didn't understand back then. It's too late for me to learn now, I'm already too old."

Yun Mengshi listened by the side and then turned over to look at herself in the mirror. She looked so beautiful and alluring that even she couldn't believe it. She could hardly contain the excitement in her heart. With such an appearance, she would certainly capture even more hearts.

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