It's so beautiful, this moment.

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so i have a headcannon that xl would ask hc to teach him how to slow dance, but he would keep stepping on his foot and apologizing, but hc would reassure him it's okay. and after xl learned how to they danced in the rain so i made it into a oneshot 😈💪💪💪


"San Lang," says Xie Lian.

"Hmm?" inquires Hua Cheng.

"Would you be willing to teach me how to slow dance?"

"You want me to teach you how to slow dance?" Hua Cheng chokes on his food.

"Mm!" Xie Lian beams.

"May I ask as to why?" questions Hua Cheng.

"Well... I've always wanted to learn how to slow dance, so we could dance in the rain together!" Xie Lian says after a brief pause.

Xie Lian avoids making direct eye contact until Hua Cheng stifles a chuckle, which he overhears. When he looks up, he notices Hua Cheng chuckling.

Xie Lian quickly lowers his head in embarrassment, "Then forget it! San Lang, I apologize... That was a strange question for me to ask."

Hua Cheng responds quickly, "No, it's fine! I'd love to teach you how to slow dance, Gege."

"Really? When can we start?" Xie Lian asks, his face instantly brightening.

"Right now," Hua Cheng says as he grabs Xie Lian's hand and pulls him closer to himself.

Hua Cheng's firm grip on Xie Lian's waist keeps him upright.

"So, what do we do first?" Xie Lian, flustered, asks.

"Just follow my lead," Hua Cheng instructs Xie Lian.

Xie Lian follows Hua Cheng's lead until he steps on his foot.

"Oh, San Lang. I'm truly sorry! I wasn't intending to step on you..." Xie Lian chuckles nervously.

"It's fine, Gege, step on me as much as you want," Hua Cheng says with a warm smile.

"I would prefer not to," Xie Lian laughs.

Xie Lian finally learned how to slow dance after an endless period of laughter, compliments, and many feet stepping.

While sweating, Xie Lian exclaims brightly. "I did it, San Lang! This time I got it right!"

Hua Cheng beams at Xie Lian as he says, "Yes you did, you did well, my Gege."

"So, when can we dance in the rain?" Xie Lian asks, resting in Hua Cheng's lap.

"Whenever it is going to rain." Hua Cheng laughs and looks down lovingly.

"It's getting late now, I'm sure there will be rain tomorrow," Hua Cheng says as he picks up Xie Lian bridal style.

"All right, San Lang, good night." Xie Lian sighs.

"Goodnight." As he lays him on the bed, Hua Cheng tenderly says.

It rained the next day, as fate would have it.

"It's raining, San Lang!" Xie Lian exclaims.

"I see that Gege, would you like to go outside?"

"All right, let's go!" Xie Lian remarks as he leads Hua Cheng outside.

"Slow down," Hua Cheng says, laughing.
Hua Cheng takes Xie Lian's hand in his own and begins to lead.

Xie Lian laughs as warm summer raindrops fall onto his face; it's so refreshing, and as the raindrops fall onto his face, he wishes this moment would last forever. It's so beautiful, this moment.

It's so beautiful. Hua Cheng can't take his gaze away from Xie Lian. Hua Cheng has no words to describe how stunning he is. Xie Lian's silky hair, which shines so brightly when wet. His deep brown eyes are like an ocean, and he could drown in them. His smooth pale skin, which gleams in the summer rain. He wishes this moment would never end. Its so beautiful,

Hua Cheng pulls Xie Lian close to him and asks for permission, to which Xie Lian happily nods.

Hua Cheng closes the gap between their lips.

Hua Cheng beams,

, this moment.


also this sucked i ak so sordy help but pls tell me what else i shiykd write

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