This pleasent feeling

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I litearlly forgot all about this acc oops.. but anyways thanks such_a_weeb for reuwesting mermaid au!!

mermaids - humans are reborn into mermaids if they felt strong love for someone and died with those same feelings. are usually kind and caring

sirens - born from humans who harbored many feelings of hurt, and never were able to love someone. usually cruel and self centered!

some if this is inspired by the manhwa miss not-so sidekick!! well enjoy!


Hua Cheng despised humans. They had only ever hurt him in his previous life. But what he despised even more than humans, were mermaids. Why did they get to live their 'ideal' lives while he suffered? He detested them. Even as he was doing so, this one mermaid piqued his interest.

Others constantly pushed that mermaid around, but he never said anything. But that's exactly what he gets! Mermaids finally get to experience the agony we felt while they lived in bliss as humans! But that's not the only reason Hua Cheng was drawn to him, this mermaid, never fought back?

He saw the mermaid one day and decided to approach him.

"Hello there!" Hua Cheng stated sinisterly.

"Hi!" said the mermaid as he turned around. "What brought you here?"

Hua Cheng was irritated by his demeanor. How could he possibly not be afraid of me! A siren?

"You just seemed... intriguing..." He responded

"Interesting.. well my name is Xie Lian! What about you?" the mermaid inquires

"..Hua Cheng," the Siren responds carefully.

"I can tell we'll be great friends!" exclaims Xie Lian.

Oh, they were. They spent every second together, and before Hua Cheng knew it, something was growing inside of him. When he was with Xie Lian, he always felt strange feelings.

Xie Lian ran into his friends one day, who were wary of him.

"What are you doing with a siren?"
One of them yells

"Don't you know sirens are monsters?!"

He felt something knawing at his heart as they kept him away from Hua Cheng. What exactly was this? It felt absolutely terrible; he was both lost and angry.

Suddenly, Xie Lian spoke up. "Stop it, Feng xin, Mu Qing! He's a friend of mine. If he wanted to do something to me, he would have already done it."

That seemed to silence them. Xie Lian turned to face Hua Cheng as they walked away. "I'm sorry about my friends; they can be... a little too much! What do you want to do now that they've left?"

Hua Cheng answered quietly, "Do you think I'm a monster as well?"

"Hm?" Xie Lian inquired, perplexed.

"Do you think I'm a monster too?" He stated, louder this time.

This question obviously surprised Xie Lian, but he smiled and responded calmly. "Monster or no monster, what difference does it make?" Nothing can change the fact that you are my friend. To me, you're just you!"

Hua Cheng did nothing but look up at him, nod, and then quietly leave. Xie Lian was left alone with his thoughts.

"Did I say anything to offend him? Was my response overly direct? Is he aware?"

Hua Cheng returned the next day, but not as his usual self.

"I need to talk to you about something," he explained.

"Go on," Xie Lian inquired.

"I believe I... I believe I like you." You've made me feel so many new emotions that I've never experienced before. I was so lost and cruel before you, only thinking about myself. But when I met you, I... I felt like there was something worth being happy about, and when we're together, I focus all of my attention on you, and I want to be with you more and more every day. When I saw your friends keep you away from me... I... I felt something I'd never felt before. It hurt me so much that I realized... All of these emotions were love. And I know you dont like me ba-"

A hug from behind cut Hua Cheng off.

"Of course, I like you! I thought I made it clear..."

"Hm, I'm not sure how much you like me back... can you elaborate?"

"Stop teasing me!!!" cried Xie Lian as Hua Cheng laughed.

This feeling was unusual...but pleasant.


im not sure if ill write again, i might forget but give me some more aus/prompts!

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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