Chapter Four

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The manor on the Gregoràn Estate was bustling with activity. Servants spilled from their quarters, some trying to stifle their yawns, some trying to tie their aprons and others dragging their feet to the onslaught of work. The floors were ready to be scrubbed before the esteemed guests arrived. The furniture had to be dusted and kitchen was already entertaining its cooks, plans for food that needed to be made being thrown around. The sun would rise later on, and if things went well, it would rise to an orderly household.

"He was such a nice man," one of them, Susan said. She wiped a tear as she continued to wipe and scrub.

"Hush now," a matronly woman said harshly, scrubbing the floor industriously near where Susan stood.

"I_ I'm sorry, it's just that, I can't help but cry. I'm really sorry." She said and Dorrie's heavy sigh lifted above the chatter.

"You are a silly girl Susan, a silly silly girl. Did he ever show kindness to you? Did he ever notice how hard you work and still can't pay the taxes? How you barely get along? No, but you are here crying like your grandpapa just died. He's not worth your tears girl." She said and they both heard a bad attempt of trying to shadow a cough with a laugh.
They whirled around, their eyes wide as they took in the figure who stood in a heavy coat, the hood pulled up, her form covered and barely visible, a mere silhouette. Wisps of black hair flew around the semi concealed face, adding to the sense of mystery.

"Who are you?" Dorrie enquired rudely.

"Dorrie," Susan reprimanded her with a hushed whisper. The figure chuckled, moved forward and held out a gloved hand.

"Hello, I'm Alia. I am just arriving, traveled the entire night you know, and I'm about to drop dead here on the kitchen floor, most unhygienic if you ask me. Would you care to show me my room?" She said, an amused note in her voice.
Dorrie's eyes slowly widened as Alia pulled off the hood from her head. Alia looked her right in the eyes and smiled.

"Hello Doll, long time," she said and Dorrie sprang back, terrified and shaking like a leaf.

"What's wrong Dorrie? You look_God Forbid! Do you actually look scared?" a man servant who had been passing by stopped dead in his tracks and stared at Dorrie. Alia chuckled, her voice ringing and lilting around the room

"Indeed she is. A shocking feat. Dorrie doesn't scare easy," she said mockingly, a deeper intonation in her voice and the boy laughed in agreement, missing the mockery and undertones. He held out his hand and took Alia's in greeting.

"I'd like to stay and chat, maybe find out what's got Dorrie's pants in a twist, but I'm hard pressed for time. So bye ladies." He said and went his way, heaving the box he was carrying and leaving behind a spell of heavy silence, only disturbed by Dorrie's harsh breathing.

"So, t_that room you were talking about Miss? Here, let me hold your suitcase and uhm, follow me." Susan said breathlessly, her voice slightly trembling.
Alia waved at Dorrie, whose eyes never left her form, smirked and left behind Susan who struggled with her suitcase.

"Hello ladies," a clean cut, handsome young man said. His brown, shoulder length hair was elaborately styled and framed his face. His skin alerting of the wealthy care it received and his chocolate brown eyes mischievous.

"Donny!" Alia exclaimed and threw herself into his waiting arms. He chuckled, swung her around a bit and set her down. He held her at arm's length.

"Who are you? I mean, I appreciate the affection, I really do, as I'm used to ladies throwing themselves at me all the time, but right now I'm looking for my beautiful cousin. Midnight black hair, emerald green eyes, she does have a funny nose though, have you seen her?" He asked and Alia looked panicked. She had never in her life, needed a mirror as much as she did in that moment. Donny barked out a laugh.

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