Chapter Seven

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The night was young, and the air was light. Alia sat in the moonlight, waiting for her Mother who should have been back by then. Just then, a slightly tall, lanky figure approached their cottage, panting hard and sweating.

"Raymond!" Lia exclaimed, standing up and rushing to meet him. He fell onto the ground at her feet, trying to catch his breath.
Raymond was a juvenile boy from the village. They had passed each other, Alia and him, at intervals when Alia went grocery shopping at the market. His mother was a dear friend of Mary's and had helped her so much when she needed it.

"Miss Alia, it's your mother!" He rushed out, then taking in a heavy breath again.
Alia stilled. Her face drained off all colour and her breath caught in her throat.

"W_what?" She choked out, the tears already running from her eyes.

"The ton, they took her," Raymond said more steadily, more calmly as he was starting to regain his breath.

"No!" Alia whispered, the force behind her voice heart shattering.

"You have to come, ma'am. They might come for you," Raymond said but Alia paid him no mind.

"No!" She all but screamed it out, then she started sobbing. She snatched Raymond's hand and held onto it, she too falling to the welcoming ground.
"No, please God no. Not my mother, not like this." She said leaning onto Raymond and crying her heart out.

Raymond stood up, bringing her up with him. He dragged her shaking, sobbing form to the cottage where he set her down on a chair.

"Sit here, okay? I am going to pack yours and Miss Mary's clothes, okay?" He said. She barely nodded.

By the time he returned, Alia had somehow let the situation sink in. He set one bag on the table and looked at her, she looked right back at him.

"Well you seem to be recovering," he missed ruefully. There had always been an affection between the two. They were more of siblings than they were strangers. Alia was about to reply when the door was banged open, and a disheveled Jamie barged into the house.

"Jamie!" She exclaimed right as Raymond grabbed a bread knife and made to lunge at the boy.
"Raymond!" Alia exclaimed again, horror lacing her voice.

Both of them lunged at the same time, with Jamie springing back seconds later, holding his shoulder in undiluted pain that showed on his face, and curse words that could not have been part of a gentleman's vocabulary. Raymond was ready to attack again but was determinedly held back by a fuming Alia.

"You idiot!" She snapped at Jamie who was still nursing his wound. "You lunge at a knife. A knife! And you expect to make in the army? Utter folly if you ask me."

"Alia, what's happening?" Raymond asked, looking curiously at the two.

"He is a friend," Alia said but Jamie stepped forward, which was not as intimidating as he would have hoped because he winced with every step he took.
He held out his hand to Raymond.

"Hello mate, I'm the boyfriend," he said as impeccably as  can be and all he got in return was a snort from Alia and a glare that would have shot daggers from Raymond. He looked at his hand that was still stretched in front of him, then he looked contemplatively at the wall beyond Raymond. He took back his arm and wiped it on his breeches.
His lip curled sardonically.

"Dearest, are you adulterating on me?" He said to Alia who looked at him disbelievingly.

"Alia we have to go," Raymond said and with a curt node Alia grabbed the shawl on the door and donned it.

"Let's go," she said and Jamie stepped forward.

"You can't go," he said and Raymond let out a frustrated sound.

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