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Aizawa and the rest of true UA teachers, including the head master sat around the table in an office discussing whether or not the trip should me cancelled.

"We shouldn't take the risk"

"Kei didn't mention anything that could suggest he knows about the location or the trip"

"That's true. The information about it was kept extremely private. It would be practically impossible for villains to find it"

"The students need it after what happened"

At the end of the long discussion they finally agreed that it was safe enough. And having multiple pro heroes there was definitely going to make everything safer.

So now you found yourself sat on the bus next to Bakugou, sleeping on his shoulder after he protested a bit, but eventually gave up when he saw how calm you looked as soon as you closed your eyes.

Everyone in the bus was calmly talking, chitchatting about what to expect and making up all sorts of theories.

Some people discussing the fact that class 1B was also joining, whilst some were excited others weren't so much, mostly because of that blonde guy Monoma.

Eventually the bus stopped to let you guys have a break and innocently, you all walked down thinking you were going to have a little break before arriving at the camp.

"Wow" exclaimed some of the classmates in unison as they walked off the bus.

In front of you there was a beautiful view, various shades of greens were seen over a cliff. A sea of trees began there and was seen until further into the distance.

Walking around stretching your legs you looked over the cliff and took a deep breath of the clean air, clearing your mind as a cool breeze surrounded you.

This peaceful minute was interrupted by the noise of the pro hero group the Pussycats, along with a small dark haired boy called Kouta.

Whilst the heroes looked extremely excited, jumping around and singing their introduction, the boy comically stood next to them, a bored look on his face.

"The place were you will be staying is at the door of that mountain" said one of them, pointing into the far distance.

"So far away!" A bunch of your classmates chanted in unison.

You all looked around confused before a sneaky smiled creeped up on the hero's face as she said "it's about 9:30 right now, if you kick into high gear it will be about 12. The kittens that don't make it before 12:30 won't be eating"

And at the sound of that Kiri began sprinting to the bus, screaming as if he had just seen a ghost.


And everyone did.

But unlucky for you a huge dirt wave like force threw you all off the cliff and into the thick forest below.

The last words you heard came from you sleepy teacher's voice.

"I'm sorry everyone but you school trip already began"

You listened stunned as you looked around, trying to orientate yourself.

You didn't even have time to fully wake up from the nap you took in the bus.

And now you found yourself running in the middle of the woods, some of your classmates visible behind you some ahead, all of them trying their best to use their quirks to get through this first task.

You felt your air leave your lungs as something hit your side and sent you flying across an area in the woods, until your back hit a tree.

You groaned loudly, and looked up. It was one of those tree monsters you had seen Denki and Kirishima fight before but managed to evade.

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