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TW ⚠️ - violence

"EVERYONE GET BACK. NOW" Screamed Aizawa, before letting his scarf loose, shooting it at Dabi, who effortlessly dodged it. The other three, who came out of the black hole looking shadow, joining the fight against our teacher, who moved around swiftly, attacking and dodging.

Thirteen hurried your class back to the gates but when they tried to open them it was helpless.
From the shadow a few more villains emerged, all with vicious smiles on their faces, ready to attack, both Aizawa and Thirteen successfully distracting them from the shadows with now came closer and closer to you.

You had no option but to fight, everyone took their stances and watched carefully, ready to attack.

A deep voice came from the black shape "how pathetic, haven't you figured out your quirks won't do anything to me. I'll simply transport u to another side of the grounds"

"WE'LL FUCKING SEE ABOUT THAT" screamed Bakugou, and ran towards it, right hook and an explosion ready to attack, before you could scream at him to stop blackness had engulfed him and he disappeared.

"You bastard" you screamed, getting ready to attack,

"Tch not very polite, rude to keep the boss waiting"

The showdown swiftly moved and covered the entire class, transporting them to different areas of USJ, mostly splitting them up so that they were weaker. In each place villains waited for them, hungry to attack.

A black hole opened up and you fell from it, hitting the ground hard, hissing in pain.
You braced yourself on your arms looking around.

Kurogiri had sent you to the earthquake disaster area.

There were parts of buildings that had fallen along the side of the roads, cracks on the sidewalks, and shattered windows. Scraps of metal everywhere and not a hint of water. Luckily you still had your flasks with you.

Standing up you began to run to the exit, which wasn't too far from where you got dropped.

You could see Aizawa fighting some villains, struggling, probably overusing his quirk.
Even from where you were standing you were able to spot the red blood dripping from a cut on his cheek, forehead, and other wounds.

You needed to help him.

Running through the concrete maze, heading straight to the exit but a hazy, deep voice froze me.

"Missed me?"


You could feel the smirk plastered on his face.

You slowly turned to face him. He stood about 5 meters away from you, in his usual all black clothing, with glimpses of the metal chains sparkling from beneath the long sleeves. Knives strapped to the holster on his side.

His jet black hair mostly pushed back, only letting a few strands hang on his face, allowing you to see his emerald eyes, cunning and beautiful.
His melanin-rich umber skin contrasted with the grey concrete that surrounded us and it glistened under the sun.

You quickly shot the water from your flask at him and began running towards the exit, it was so close, if you could only run a little faster.

But before reaching it you were whipped back a chain coming from Kei. It tightly wrapped around your ankles and slammed you to the floor, hard, head hitting the ground. You got up slowly, everything around you was blurry and you were dizzy from the pain; as the world spun you could see a dark figure walk closer, your eyes focused on his smile.

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