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Bakugou was strapped onto a chair in a dark room which resembled an old bar.

He had his hands tied and placed in this big metal box, preventing him to fight back or make any explosions. He scanned the room but couldn't find a way to get out.

All he could think about was your face before being carried into the black warp pool. He saw the fear on your face as that took him.
He didn't know why they captured him, how he could benefit the gang when they had constantly been looking for you.

The only thing keeping him sane was that you were safe back at the camp.

Or at least he thought.

That is when he heard a door open and lifted his head, Kai came in, back straight, head up high and a smirk on his face. He walked close to Bakugou, grabbing another chair on the way and twisting it around, sitting on the chair backwards facing you.

He crossed his arms on the head on the top rail of the chair and looked at the blonde boy in the eyes.

"I have a proposition for you" he said,
"Modern day hero's are so uptight, don't you think so Bakugou? The society that sticks tight to those rules... the citizens that blame the losers rather than encourage them... our fight is the question: 'what is a hero? What is justice?"

Kei greened eyes shined in the low light of the room as he kept talking. Bakugou's expression angry, gritting his teeth.

"I watched you on TV you know. I saw the way they treat you, people look down on your quirk, act like it's dangerous and scary. At the same time I saw potential, imagine what it would be like to be surrounded by people who wouldn't judge but admire your power. Imagine people understanding how powerful you are, so much that they fear your greatness"

Furrowing his eyebrows, Bakugou kept listening,

"You might wonder why I brought you here. Because I was also feared, and I embraced it.
You could reach your full potential with us. You are one of us Bakugou. Join the League"

A dark laugh echoed through the room. Swinging his head backwards Katsuki expression turned to  disgust.

"Why would I ever join you" he replied confidently, his voice low and raspy.

Kei leaned backwards, scanning Bakugo and sighed,

"I knew you would say that" he said, "I know someone else that might convince you"

Bakugou looked up in confusion as he heard footsteps in the distance.

His heart dropped. He fully believed he was in a nightmare for a second and felt himself going pale, heart racing. He immediately began moving, pulling and trying his best to get out of the chair he was tied to, get his hands free.


He watched you walk into the room. You weren't chained up, you didn't have a scratch on you, instead you walked freely, with some of the other LOV members following behind.

his first reaction to seeing you was worry washing away seeing you weren't hurt, but it quickly turned into shock, mixed with confusion.

You weren't chained up.

You approached him and Kai moved away, pushing the chair to the side and standing at the back of the room, leaning on the bar counter crossing his arms.

"What the fuck is going on?" He yelled hoarsely, "WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU? EXPLAIN"

You approached him with a sympathetic smile, crouching slightly to be at eye level with the boy in the chair.

Caressing his cheek, running your thumb over his cheekbone you whispered "shhh it's ok, it's ok"

"What's going on?"

A perplexed, worried look in his face.

"I am one of them Bakugou" you continued saying "they don't fear me, they accept me. We could be happy here with them, no one would blink twice when seeing our quirk"

You had a sweet, pleading, somewhat melancholy look on your face. Your eyes bore into him.

"What?" Was all He could say as he shook his head, trying to get your touch away from him.

"Please think about it. I can never be happy at UA, you will never not scare people. I want to be free, I want us to be free."

Bakugou would have swore he felt tears prickling his eyes.

How could you say that.

How could you betray everyone like that.

Your classmates.



He couldn't believe that you now kneeled in front of him, hands on this lower thigh, begging him to join what you had hated for so long.

All the nightmares they had caused you, the pain, the anger, the turmoil.

How could you go back so easily.

Had he failed to make you see the light? Make you understand how beautiful UA was, and your friends. Did he not pay close enough attention?

All he wanted was to be with you.

He looked at you beautiful tearful eyes. They told him everything he needed to know.


What??! Not me posting on time!!

My writers block is finally over💪💪💪💪

Thanks for reading! Sorry for the short chapter but I needed the Cliff hanger :)

Thanks for reading! Sorry for the short chapter but I needed the Cliff hanger :)

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