Moving In

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groaned as my alarm blasted in my ears. I looked at my clock to see the time. It was 6:30am! I looked all around me. I was in the hotel I've been staying at because I'm moving into my new house. I stretched as I sat up in the damp hotel bed. Today was the day. I'm moving into my new house. 

I got up and got ready for the day. I decided to wear a pair of light ripped jeans with a black crop top. I decided to also wear a black oversized hoodie with a white outline of a rose etched onto it. I put on a light chain, a couple of rings, and a bracelet with moon and star charms to tie the outfit together. 

I was packing all my belongings that was in the hotel room into my suitcase until I heard my phone going off. I placed the shampoo bottle that I was holding into my suitcase and went to go see who was calling me this early in the morning. I looked at my phone. 

Karl :)🤍

I sighed. "Hello?" I spoke in a tired voice. 
"Hi F/N!" Karl exclaimed. 
"What do you need?" 
"I just wanted to see how you were doing. After all, today is a big day!"
"Thanks Karl"
"Do you need any help today? Your car is over at the house"
Shit. I forgot about my car. 
"Do you mind picking me up? I totally forgot my car"
"Totally! I'll leave in a few minutes to pick you up"
Thank you so much, Karl!"
"No problem! I should do all I can to help you"
"See ya, Karl!"
I hanged up and went to put the rest of my things away. 

~Timeskip to when she is finishing up packing~

I put away my phone charger and wallet in my backpack. I zipped it up. I put my phone in my jean pocket and grabbed the room key. I extended to handle on the suitcase and dragged it into the hallway. I swung my backpack over my shoulder and made sure I never forgot anything. When I confirmed there was nothing left, I went into the hallway and locked the door. I felt my phone go off in my pocket. I checked it.

   I'm in the hotel parking lot. Ready when you are!

I smiled and headed over to the elevator. I pressed the bottom button and waited for the door to close. When the door closed, there was a mother and son in the elevator with me. We waited patiently for the elevator to reach the ground floor.


The door opens to a large lobby. Early morning light was being let in by the windows. There were a few people on the couches waiting for their room. I walked over to the front desk. I put the key on the desk and headed to the door. 

When I walked out, there were a lot of cars in the parking lot. I look around until I see Karl waving at me from the inside of his car. I walk over and put my suitcase in the back seat and get in.

"Thank you so much, Karl!" I smile as I put my seatbelt on.
"No problem! I can't let you down on such a big day like today!" he exclaimed giving me a quick hug.
He puts his seatbelt on and drives out of the parking lot. 

"Hey I have a question for you F/N," he says randomly. 
"Sure what's up?" I say concerned. 
"What would you do if you were invited to a MrBeast video?" he asked.
I though for a moment
"I would probably go. I feel like I would get along with the people there," I answered. 
"Okay, cool! I feel like everyone there would LOVE you. The fans would probably love you too," he nodded.
I smiled and thought nothing about it.

We talked about random things until he pulls into my driveway. We got out and I opened my garage. My car was parked in the garage. 

"Anyway, can I help you unpack your stuff, F/N?" Karl offered. 
"Sure! Thanks Karl. We should start in here first," I replied. 

We started unloaded boxes that were laying around laughing and talking while we doing it. We were peaceful until he leaned my skateboard against my door going into the house part. 

"Karl! You just can't put my skateboard there. You need to put it on the stand," I exclaimed rolling my eyes. I pointed to where the stand was. I was black and pretty noticeable. How did he miss that?

"Well I'm sorry! I never knew that the skateboard had to go on that stand. Plus, not everybody has a skateboard stand. Maybe you never had one?" he remarked. 

"Karl! You could have ASKED me. Jeez," I snapped rolling my eyes again. I really appreciated his help but, he can be puzzling sometimes making me frustrated. He sighed in response to my remark and put my skateboard on the stand. 

"There. You happy with your skateboard now?" he snapped. I smiled and he smiled back.

~ 5 hour timeskip~

We were almost finished with the boxes. The bigger furniture like bed frames and couches will be delivered in a couple of weeks. I placed the last plate in the cupboard. I FINALLY got the dishes done. They take so long to put away. 

"Hey F/N?" Karl said. 
"I'm starving. You want to go get something to eat?" Karl asked
"Sure. Where do you want to go?" I asked.
"Hmm..." he thought for a moment. 
"Why don't we go to Beast Burger? There's one that's a couple minute drive from here," he finally decided.

We grabbed our phones and stuff like that and headed out to Karl's car. I opened his car door and got in. Right before Karl turned on his car, he phone went off. He started to get really happy when he read the message. I had to find out about this message.

"What's that?" I asked.
"Nothing. It is just stuff to do with streaming and that sort of thing. You don't need to worry about it," he replied.
I could tell he was lying. It is quite obvious when he lies to me. He acts sort of innocent and tries to stay calm but it fails because, his emotions take over and when he's happy like now, he will laugh and smile A LOT. 
"I can tell you're lying," I smirked.
"Fine Fine. It's about MrBeast but, that's all I'm saying"

He turned on his car and pulled out of my driveway. He drove us to the Beast Burger which was a couple minute drive away from my house. He pulls into the drive in. 

"What do you want? My treat," he offered.
"Really? I think I'm going to get the Chandler Style," I nodded. 
He opened his mouth in shock.
"I think you would get the Karl Combo. After all, it's named and styled after your OLDER BROTHER," he said in a joking, dramatic voice. We laughed and he ordered our food. When we got up to the window, he handed me my food and drove us back to the house. We ate our food and chatted. When we finished, we went in the house to finish unpacking everything. 

~ a few hours timeskip because it would be boring to hear them unpack~

I hanged up the last thing. It was done. I was done.
Karl headed upstairs and went into my room. 
"Did you finish?" He asked giving me a hug. 
I nodded
I took out my phone and took at picture of me and Karl for Instagram. I decided not to post it because he would probably kill me. My phone started to go off and then I saw that it was my sister, Corry. 

Corry :)🧡

 "Hi F/N! Did you finish moving yet?" Corry exclaimed into the phone.
"Yeah! I just finished," I replied. 
"Hi Corry!" Karl exclaimed into my phone.
"Hi Karl! Did you help her move in?"
"Ya. We just finished," he said. 
"Cool! I just wanted to hear your progress. Anyway, I have to continue this painting."
"See ya"

I hanged up. 

"So I have another question," Karl began.
"What is it now?" I sighed. 
"Are you busy tomorrow?"

A/N: Heya guys! hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. Wow. 1.3k words was a lot to write lol. Anyway, next updates coming tomorrow :)

sibling love can be annoying Mr. Beast squad x readerWhere stories live. Discover now