We Are Going Where?

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A/N: I'm SO sorry i haven't been posting. I've been really busy lately. anyway, back to the story - Author <3  

Ring Ring! 

I woke up to my phone going off. 

Karl :)🤍

"What do you want?" I yawned.
"Good morning! Just letting you know that I'm going to pick you up in about a hour. I can tell you just got up so, you should start getting ready." he said. 
I forgot we were going to hang out for the next few days.  Shit. 
"I'm so sorry! I'll get ready now," I blurted
He laughed
"It's fine! I'll let you get ready now". 

I hanged up and bolted to the bathroom. I had a really fast shower and got ready. I went back to my room to choose an outfit. I got a pair of black lululemon pants and grabbed a baby blue crop top. I got the bracelet I wore yesterday and a couple of small rings. I dried my hair and straitened it.

I looked at my phone to see how much time I had left. I had about 5 minutes until he arrived. I grabbed my mini bag and put my phone, phone charger, wallet, house keys, and my hair tie. I ran downstairs and saw Karl's car in my driveway. I put on my shoes and locked the door behind me. I opened the car door to see a very happy Karl. 

"Where are you taking me to?" I asked.
"You'll see," he beamed. 

We pulled out of my driveway. We were not going in the direction of his house. Where were we going? Bored, I pulled out my phone and started to scroll through Twitter. Karl looked at my phone and snatched it from me. 

"Hey! Why did you take my phone?" I yelled. 
"You are not aloud on your phone until we get there," he replied. I rolled my eyes.

I tried to start a conversation with him but he seemed too focus to even talk to. There was the stupidest smile on his face and he looked like he was going to jump for joy. I stared at the scenery that was passing by. By this point, I no idea where where we were. Oh well. Got to wait out the drive.


  We pulled into a parking lot for a huge warehouse. He parked the car and got out. Confused, I took my bag and got out. There were a few other cars here as well. Karl went on his phone to text somebody. I had no idea who he was texting. I thought nothing of it. When we got closer to the warehouse, I heard a lot of laughing coming from inside. He opened the door and let me in. I could not believe what was right in front of me. My eyes welled into tears and I wrapped my arms around Karl. What was standing right in front of me was Mr. Beast and his crew. 

  "Thank you, Karl. Thank you," I whispered into him chest. I was sobbing my eyes out. 

"Hi F/N! I'm Jimmy also know as Mr.Beast. It's nice to have you here!" He smiled. Chandler (being awkward like usual) just waved at me with a little smile on his face. Chris looked on me with a big smile on his face and waved. I looked back at Karl who was just staring at me with a massive grin on his face. 

"So, do you want me to show you around?" Karl asked me. 

"Sure!" I replied. He started to show me around the studio and introducing other people to me. After he was finally finished touring me around, I had to ask to question that was bugging me the entire time. 

"So, what am I doing here?" I asked him. He looked at me with an obvious look.

"Well you are here for a video, obviously!" He replied. I stared up at him. I could not believe what he was saying. I was going to be in a Mr. Beast video? He grabbed my hand and dragged me back over to the others. A thousand thoughts crossed through my mind. I could not even focus on one. We got to the other then, Jimmy had to explain the video. 

"Okay so, here's the video. We are going to buy everything in 3 stores. There's a twist though. You'll be split into pairs and you and your partner has to clear out the store by yourselves and the help of another person. I have went ahead and already divided you guys into pairs and designated a store to each of you. 
First, Chandler and Chris, you guys are doing GameStop. Tyler and Nolan are doing American Eagle. Leaving Karl and F/N with Bath and Body Works. So, let's get going!" Jimmy explained. We all got up and headed over to the filming area. I looked over at Karl who grinned at me. 

"So, you're stuck with me, F/N! This is going to be so fun!" He exclaimed. He did at little jump and went to go talk to Chris and Jimmy. I sighed and looked at my hands. They were soft hands. Good to pick things up with. I got to the filming area and stood next to Karl. He grabbed my hand and was bursting with happiness and excitement. The film crew was getting ready with cameras and lighting. 

"F/N," Karl said. 

"Yes Karl?" I replied looked at him. His gaze was fixed on his hand that was not holding mine. 

"You think I'm a good brother, right?" He spoke softly with a tint of disappointment in his tone.  

"Of course Karl! You are the BEST brother I could ask for! Why was there a tint of sadness in your tone just then?"

"I don't know. It's just that sometimes I think I'm not a good enough brother. Especially to you and Sean but, thank you, F/N. You taught me that I am enough and I'm good enough of a older brother," Karl grinned and pulled me into a hug. He let go of me hand and grabbed my shoulders, facing me. 

"F/N. Are you ready to do this?" He asked with a grin growing on his face. 

"Never have been more ready in my life," I grinned back. 

He let go of my shoulders and I went to go change my shirt to a Mr. Beast shirt (it can be whatever one you want :) ) and put my hair into a nice low ponytail. I also took another elastic from my bag and adjusted the shirt to make it look a bit cropped. I took my  bag and went back to the filming area where they were soon going to do the introduction to the video. I put my bag back where I put it earlier and went back to Karl. 

"Wow! That looks so nice on you! I think you should wear it more often," he smiled. I smiled back and turned my attention back to the filming crew who were setting up the final things. We got in our spots to start filming and were mummering in excitement. 

"Ready guys? Start filming in three..two..one!" A camera man shouted. 

A/N: Haha another chapter done! 1300 words down. I think this is the longest chapter I've written in the fanfic... anyway, I'm starting a Tommy x reader fanfic soon! It's going to be called, A Thousand Thoughts. It will be smut free and will have a lot of fluff. Hope you enjoyed this chapter of the story. Don't forget the get some sleep, drink some water, and take care of yourselves. Love ya'll so much :) -  author <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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