Karl's Secret

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"What do you mean?"
I was still processing it. What does he mean? 

"You know. Like, do you want to hang out for the next few days together? I am really bored and have nothing to do," he shrugged. 

It seemed suspicious. Oh well. It's not like Karl is going to kidnap me of anything. 

"Okay sure. Just pick me up 'cause I don't know where you are planning on taking me."

He smiled so brightly and gave me another hug.

"Thanks a lot, Y/N. You are honestly the best!" He exclaimed. 
"Also, do you mind making a internet appearance? Like, do you mind being on a livestream or something," he asked. What were up with all of these questions today?
I nodded. "Sure. I don't mind."

"Okay. Anyway, I need to go do some stuff for streaming and MrBeast and stuff. Byeeee!" He blurted out running out of my room. I heard him thundering down my stairs and his car pulling out of my driveway. I sighed not knowing what to do. After a while of thinking, I decided to go on Twitter and see what was going on in the world. I opened Twitter and scrolled through it. I was laughing at a tweet that Jack Manifold tweeted when my phone went dead. Damn it. I reached into my bag and got out my phone charger. I plugged it in and headed downstairs. I was really really bored so, I decided to go and visit Karl. I already knew his address. I ran upstairs and grabbed my phone, phone charger, and car keys and headed outside. I turned on my car and plugged in my phone. I turned on my Spotify playlist and shuffled it. Hey There Delilah by Plain White T's came on and I started to scream the lyrics to it. I pulled out of my driveway and headed over to his house

I was vibing to my playlist until I got to his house. His bedroom window was open and I could hear Sweater Weather blasting. I could hear faint talking from in there as well. I went up to the door and knocked on it. I waited for a minuet and he answered it. 

"Hey F/N! I was just on a Discord call with a few of my friends. You want to come in and hang?" He offered. I nodded and he ushered me in. 

We went upstairs and he unmuted himself. His camera was on too. 

"Whose that, Karl?" An american guy with dark brown eyes and brown hair asked. 
"Oh. This is my sister, F/N!" He exclaimed. I waved at the camera and a british teenager with blond hair and blue eyes spoke out. Actually, it was more like he screamed.
"Is that a woman, Karl?" 
Karl laughed and nodded.

~Timeskip to a few hours later~

I was driving home listening to The Real Slim Shady. I was really tired and I had a LONG day. I also barely ate so it felt like I was going to pass out. All I had that day was that Chandler Style burger from Beast Burgers. I pulled into my garage and closed it. I walked into the kitchen and made a bowl of Cheerios. I sat down to my island and ate that while scrolling through Twitter because I was bored. I came across another Jack Manifold tweet and burst out laughing. When I finished my Cheerios, I headed upstairs and got ready for bed (btw it is about 11:30 at this point). I got in the shower and got into a crop top with a pair of plaid pajama pants. I put my hair into a messy bun and went into my room. I turned off the light and passed out onto my bed. 

A/N: Heya guys! Shorter chapter but, I had no clue what to do for this chapter so it was really random. Hope you guys have a good day/night. Drink water, eat and remember to get some sleep. Love ya'll so much <3

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