Misplaced Emotions

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Once Steve had gotten the quinjet to a stable speed Bucky unbuckled his seat belt and rushed over to me an removed my buckles.

"Can you sit up doll?" He asked.

I nodded slowly and sat up feeling a slight head rush as I did so.

"I'm gonna have to get the glass shards out...do you mind if I..." his voice trailed off as he looked at my vest.

I nodded "Go ahead,"

He sighed as he unzipped my vest "I didn't think this is how this moment would happen..."

"How what would happen?" I asked.

He shook his head "Don't worry forget I said anything,"

He removed my supposedly bulletproof vest off me which apparently didn't do much to help prevent the glass shards penetrating me.

"Oh doll..." he murmured as he lifted the undervest.

I sighed "That bad?"

He opened a med kit and pulling out some tools.

"Hey Steve, we got any booze round here?" Bucky yelled.

"Tony usually has some laying around back there somewhere, shouldn't take too long to find,"

Bucky opened a cabinet and instantly found a bottle of whisky.

"You're gonna need this doll," he murmured taking the cap off the bottle.

I gave a small smile "So it is that bad,"

He didn't meet my eyes as he handed me the bottle. I took a sip feeling the liquid burn down my throat.

He picked up a set of tweezers and moved behind me and I hissed as I felt him pull a shard of glass out of my skin.

"Sorry," he whispered.

I took another drink which did lower the pain but it still stung like a bitch. I watched the glass hit the tray next to me drenched in my blood.

"You were right..." he murmured.

I raised my eyebrow as I took another sip "About what?"

He dropped the tweezers on the tray "23 shards,"

I smiled to myself feeling his metal hand rest on my shoulder.

"Now if you thought that part hurt this is gonna be hell doll, I won't lie to you,"

I took a large sip out of the bottle and gripped his hand that was resting on his shoulder and he gave a low chuckle "Honey I'm gonna need both hands,"

I sighed and released his hand and I heard the sound of liquid moving behind me. I heard him put something down and his hand went round my waist and grasped my hand.

He let out a long breath and a few seconds later I felt a burning pain in my wounds and I let out a cry and gripped his hand.

"It's okay, shhh it's nearly over," he whispered.

After a few seconds the pain stopped and I let out a breath.

"She okay?" Steve called out.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine," I responded.

Bucky took a needle and thread out the kit  and looked at me "Well at least we've stopped the risk of infection, this shouldn't hurt as much but it'll take longer, I'm gonna need both hands doll is that ok?"

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