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Meg's assumption about the upgrade kits had proved true. Solise's name was not on the list. She had no issue swiping Meg's kit before anyone could notice. What was inside the large obsidian case was a small grey device that resembled a backpack. Two large straps were secured to a metal case with domes on the left and right sides. She pressed an oval-shaped button in the center of the device. It opened up to reveal large cannons and enhanced shield projection systems. In the center was a small screen that served as the updated battle computer. She didn't even need to press anything else. The machine scanned her bike and automatically installed itself.

The cannons and shield projectors broke away from the main hub. They now floated beside the bike. This lack of security made Solise a bit nervous. This feeling was alleviated when she attempted to pull one of the cannons away. The hold was so strong that it wouldn't budge. Such advanced tech, just to blow each other up. Solise couldn't help but wonder if this step of the event was created by the Inquirer or if it was planned by the kingdom from the start. Either way, her vehicle was ready.

She peered out of her stall to assess the surroundings. Galene was testing his diagnostics, with the upgrade kit already attached. This sight gave Solise some pause. A sense of relief washed over her when she realized that Galene still had her peace offering. It was tucked into his back pocket. Her worries quelled. She shifted her gaze to the Inquirer. He was staring her down, as if he were mocking her. She felt tempted to wheel out her bike and reveal that she had obtained the upgrade. No. Then he'll realize someone doesn't have one. Then he'll realize Meg is gone. Let's prevent that, for now. She reasoned with herself.

While the racers prepared for their daily circuit, Meg and Bix were busy scoping out the Vestibule. It was now guarded by soldiers. The ship scanner revealed that the cloaked ship was still hovering above it. The two observers were theorizing ways which they could sneak past the guards. Their opportunity presented itself when they noticed a weak spot that was guarded by one incredibly inebriated soldier. The snuck past and managed to wander inside the temple. Within, they noticed a platform on the ground. It had not been there before. Meg instantly placed it as a transport pad to the hovering ship.

"Seems like a trap." Bix theorized.

"That's why you're here." She looked at Bix and smirked.

Bix drew his father's blaster. Med readied her spear. They stepped onto the disk and were instantly warped to the arrival chamber in the ship. Two burly guards instantly shifted upright when they arrived. They had clearly been napping before the ZAP of the on-board teleporter. Their moment of confusion allowed Meg to knock them both out. Bix didn't even have a chance to fire a stunning blast. Meg took notice of his aimed weapon. She held up her finger, as if to say "not yet." She pulled out her personal scanner device and turned it on. Several dots lit up around the ship. Meg counted them and did some math in her head.

"Save the ammo, we've got a lot of fat to cut through." She said, priming herself for battle.

Back on the track, the racers were being raised to the ground level. Solise could not get a glimpse of the Inquirer; to see if he had noticed Meg's absence. Gurd's gigantic holographic form called attention to the change. It was instantly chalked up to "intense nerves." Perfect time for someone to drop out. Maybe he won't get suspicious. Not being able to read the Inquirer's actions was eating away at Solise. Her grip tightened around her throttle controls as the countdown appeared in the sky.

It was only now that Solise really took in the layout of the track. There were many obstacles placed along the pathways. Winding track pieces were lines with electric railing and battle cannons. Gaps in the track with sharp spikes underneath. It was topped off with two zero-gravity loops, one right after the other. This was no longer just a race track. It was a deadly obstacle course. Solise couldn't help but shudder at the sight of this enhanced death trap.

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