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I speak now so that all may know of my legend. When Zaren the Inquirer sits on the throne and restores the true kingdom of lord Arex, it will be helpful to have a clear record of my rise. For too long, I have waited in the shadows. Hidden within the farthest recesses of this corroded galaxy. I hold no malice for my time spent here. This is how I have come to be blessed with unshakeable faith, after all. Those cretins on Vawe consider themselves to be benevolent rulers...how quaint. It was their lineage that stole this galaxy from my people. Forced our ranks into a mass grave and left our history to be swallowed by time. All that we are...were...all lost.

A path may exist to change. I feel as though I have found the key to reclaiming what is rightfully ours. Mine. I stand alone now. No comrades or equals. From all I've seen, I may well be the last Arexian. I choose not to dwell on this fact. I have come to see it as a powerful thing. No one stands on the peaks I do. The kingdom would never see me coming. By the time they even knew of a living Arexian, they'd be in chains. Soon after, they would be reduced to ash. Along with them burns their palace. The monument to murderers will stand no longer.

I have access to sensitive information that could make this all a reality. I intercepted it deep in space. At my lowest, without purpose or cause, I found salvation. They seek to unify the galaxy with hollow gestures of entertainment. They live in fear of what their subjects could accomplish. They wish to drunken everyone with distractions. Shows of their greatness and extravagance. Dulling the minds of those who are angry with their rulers. This cannot be allowed to happen. They know their greatest threat is a people unified against them. To fear their own citizens, it shows such weakness. If they can topple so easily, then they must.

Once I found my purpose, I found I was not alone. There are others, all throughout the galaxy, just as angry at the kingdom as I. They have the keys to something better...but no leaders. They are lost children, not yet aware of what they are capable of. The kingdom wishes to mold them into obedient sycophants, ready to die at their hands. Ready to crush those who dare to disagree with their monolithic empire. If they could see the light, this course may be prevented. I know now what I must do. More to follow.


It's been nearly two full cycles. My cause grows with each passing day. My jaunts through the galaxy have given me access to so much. Spiteful farmers, jaded revolutionaries, dimwitted soldiers, the perfect assembly of rubes. They are the key. What the capitol has that others lack is size...constituency. With armies at their command, who could possibly oppose them? I need an army of my own if I wish to take them down. Amazingly, they've already built it for me. All those corners of the galaxy that they ignored contained citizens who suffered. They were building an army of enemies, they just didn't know it. I hardly had to do any pushing. Their rage was already there. It just took a gesture in the right direction to make them understand.

Now, our resources grow stronger. Ships that they'll never see coming, weapons that can stand against their soldiers, and most importantly, warriors. Soon, there will be enough to accomplish my goal. The fools believe that hosting their event away from Vawe will show the galaxy they care about all the planets in their territory. Even the desolate wastes of a world like Raiyfe. Their smokescreen of compassion will be an avenue to my success. They'll be too far to intervene with my glorious ploy. It's clear that their resurrected corpse of a race is meant to be a spectacle of the highest order. Filled with celebrities and false promises that anyone can be amongst them. Open enrollment? What a farce. Soon, they will pick their pawns. The very pawns I already know they will select.

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