First kill

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Inside the black van, there were four people 3 men on black clothing and a young girl who appears to be unconscious. They were heading outside from the city rushing in a remote direction.

All of the men were ecstatic and one of them said " We seem to have hit a jackpot brothers. We can fetch a lot of money for this chick. The indicator was notifying different this time. Haha! "

" Yeah. Also she is a good looking lass. There will be a raise of the price for sure. " The other man said.

The last man who was silent was looking at a weird device. He was precisely looking at the screen which flickering with green lights. He said " This light was different from the other victims we gathered. She was the first one to produce green light at the indicator. I think she was the one that man was looking for. Every time we present a victim to him, I can see that he is a little disappointed. "

The driver called Guts said " I also noticed that. But his rewards was all that matters to us. So we shouldn't pry about it. "

" Yes! Although this young lass is quite a beauty, I still prefer the money. " The man who watch the unconscious Sophia said. His name was Ben and he likes money a lot.

The silent man nodded " After so many transaction of that man, I can feel he was not a simple foe. I can feel that he is more dangerous than us combined. Also he has a smell of blood that made me suffocate." The silent man was named Tom. He was a previous mercenary. His instinct was telling him not to offend that man based on his experience in battles.

The other two agreed.

" We do this job. We get the money. And that's it. After we get enough money, we can have a good vacation and live our life to the fullest. " Tom added.

After a few minutes, they arrived at a abandoned building. The place was near from the city.

They carry Sophia and directly went inside.

Not far from them, Ban was observing from the shadow nearby. He didn't want to stop them as he want to know where they were heading. He watch the news that some teens were missing these days. He want to investigate the situation.

Ban was slowly approaching and use his spirit detection. Sometime later, his calm face replaced with rage. He was enrage after sensing what was inside the building.

At the basement of the building, there were bones littered around. Ban guessed those bones were bone of humans and counting to 5 heads. Near the bones was a hooded man silently eating a raw meat. Ban was disgusted by the gesture of the man and cannot wait to kill him. He imagined those victims being devoured by this monster and now his cousin will be his next meal.

Ban's face was livid thinking what was about to happen to his cousin. His veins were popping as he was truly enrage at this moment.


" Huh? " Something inside him were broken like there was a dam of energy overflowed his body.

" Some kind of level up? " Ban was questioning inside. However, he shook his head and dial a number. " Uncle Oscar, I have a news for you... " Ban was slowly narrating the situation but he skip the part that there is only 3 man at the scene as he made a resolve that he shall deal with that monster inside.

After Oscar heard the news, he was startled and ask Ban " Are you sure young man? Tell me the address, I will inform the authority about this. " Oscar pondered for a moment and recall his wife. He knew the gravity of the situation and put an end of this mess.


After Ban made an arrangement, he directly went to the underground to face the man. This time he was feeling light and much stronger than before. His body feels like 10 times stronger than his past after his leveling up. His senses also improved quite a bit.

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