To Arena

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"Brother Ban, that's the only mask I had. I bought it last year because I thought it was so cute and wanted to display it in my room as a decoration." Eliza said with a smile. She continued with a blush "I-I will go and take a bath now."

Ban nodded and decided to call Sally and surprisingly, she picked her phone up. Ban told her that he will be late for the night. He didn't explain much as he will tell her later about the Arena. Ban also didn't forget to call Sophia. He flirt with his women for a while in the phone before hanging up the call. He didn't forget to remind his women to practice the skills he imparted to them.

A few minutes later, Eliza walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapping her body. Her face was red like she was reluctant to go out of the bathroom because of shyness. Her bathroom was adjacent to the living room.

Ban glance at Eliza's figure from head to toe. He imagined his teacher looking like the woman in front of him. Those thick legs and her obvious curves were so intoxicating. Ban felt a burning sensation from his lower region and he quickly averted his gaze from her.

Eliza felt hot all over everytime Ban look every part of her body.

Ban cough and forced himself to calm down while asking "Where's Brother George? I haven't seen him in the camp."

"Big Brother was away investigating the whereabout of a missing person today. He'll probably be back by tomorrow." Eliza said in a low voice.

"Oh." Ban didn't want to look back at her.

The temptation was so high that if Eliza were to invite him for a 'erotic battle', he wouldn't decline such a very tempting offer from a beauty.

There was an awkward silence in the living room.

"Right. I'll go dress up now. I'll be back in a minute." Eliza then hurriedly walk to her room to prepare. She didn't want to remain still in the living room any second from shyness.

Ban nodded and said "Let's have a quick dinner before going to the Arena."

"Okay.." Eliza answered Ban inside her room.

A few minutes later, Eliza came out of her room after dressing herself up. She wore a black tight leather ankle jeans and a pink long sleeve polo shirt with a black leather shoes. She look like an urban beauty. She was very charming at the moment.

"Let's have a dinner at the canteen." Eliza said. She didn't have a kitchen in her quarters so she invited Ban to the Military canteen.

Ban's eyes lit up seeing her looks. He stood up and followed her to the canteen.

Many gazes fell on the two especially on Eliza. The soldiers wanted to cry seeing their goddess was already taken away by an outsider. They already knew Ban from yesterday. He was on the hot news in the whole camp. Many sneered at him but most of them were envious. Thinking about Ban having both sisters as his fiance, many wanted to murder Ban on the spot and chop him to millions of pieces from jealousy.

Ban didn't mind the death stares and he ate his meal with the blushing Eliza. After their dinner, they proceeded to the gate outside. Ban also ask Eliza to wear her mask as a identity protection.


John arrived on time as he was waiting outside the military camp. His eyes light up when he saw the masked Ban approaching the car. However, he raise and eyebrow because Ban was with another person accompanying him. The person was a woman and she also wore a mask just like Ban. What interest him was the two were wearing the same mask. John guessed that they were a couple.

Ban nodded at John while the latter opened the back door for Ban and Eliza.

John sat on the front passenger seat and turn his head to Ban.

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